


Miracle Pill.Katie advertised that she had developed a pill for women that would result in weight loss,wrinkle loss,and improved vitality; and for men would result in all those things,plus hair growth.Her television advertisement showed miracle results allegedly obtained by consumers.Katie cautioned,however,that ingestion of the pill for six months was required before results would be evident.The pill was wildly popular.The Federal Trade Commission,however,investigated and determined that Katie had failed to have a reasonable basis for the claims she made in advertisements.Katie claimed that she was merely involved in the use of generalities and clear exaggerations.The Federal Trade Commission disagreed and issued a formal administrative complaint against her.After a hearing,the Federal Trade Commission issued an order requiring that Katie stop advertising and selling the pills.After losing all appeals,Katie continued selling the pills until she was fined by the Federal Trade Commission.She has since left the country and cannot be located.If a company violates a cease-and-desist order issued by the Federal Trade Commission and upheld by the courts,which of the following is the fine that the Federal Trade Commission may impose?

A) Up to $3,000 per violation
B) Up to $5,000 per violation
C) Up to $10,000 per violation
D) Up to $50,000 per violation
E) Up to $100,000 per violation

On Jul 07, 2024



The idea that the nature of society is causally determined by its economic foundation is called ______.

On Jul 05, 2024

economic determinism


Describe the guidelines for creating effective social media content.

On Jun 06, 2024

First,remember that it's a conversation,not a lecture or a sales pitch.One of the great appeals of social media is the feeling of conversation,of people talking with one another instead of one person talking at everyone else.For all its technological sophistication,in an important sense social media provide a new spin on the age-old practice of word-of-mouth communication.People generally join social networks for the chance to interact,and you can help stimulate conversations by asking followers for their ideas,options,and feedback.Second,write informally but not carelessly.Write as a human being,not as a cog in a faceless corporate machine.At the same time,don't get sloppy; no one wants to slog through misspelled words and half-baked sentences to find the message.Third,create concise,specific,and informative headlines.Avoid the temptation to engage in clever wordplay with headlines.Readers don't want to spend time and energy figuring out what your witty headlines mean.Search engines won't know what they mean either,so fewer people will find your content.Fourth,get involved and stay involved.Don't hide from criticism-it can be valuable feedback.Take the opportunity to correct misinformation or explain how mistakes will be fixed.Next,if you need to promote something,do so indirectly.Just as you shouldn't impose on people with a sales pitch during an informal social gathering,refrain from blatant promotional efforts in social media.Be transparent and honest.Honesty is always essential,of course,but a particular issue that has tripped up a few companies in recent years is hiding behind an online persona.Finally,think before you post.Employees have been fired for Facebook posts,vital company secrets have been leaked,and business and personal relationships have been strained.To be safe,assume that every message you post could be read by people far beyond your original audience.


Draw the SML and plot asset C such that it has less risk than the market but plots above the SML, and asset D such that it has more risk than the market and plots below the SML. (Be sure to indicate where the market portfolio is on your graph.) Explain how assets like C or D can plot as they do and explain why such pricing cannot persist in a market that is in equilibrium.

On Jun 05, 2024

The student should draw a picture similar to Figure 13.9, adding a point where the market portfolio exists. In this case, asset C is underpriced and asset D is overpriced. This condition cannot persist in equilibrium because investors will buy C with its high expected return and sell D with its low expected return. The resultant buy and sell activity will force the prices back to a level that eventually causes both C and D to plot on the SML.


The contribution margin ratio is the same as the profit-volume ratio.

On May 07, 2024



The marginal utility of coffee consumption for Steve is the change in _____ generated by consuming an additional cup of coffee.

A) total utility
B) total consumption
C) total demand
D) price

On May 06, 2024