


In 1940 George Gallup wrote that

A) polls can manipulate public opinion.
B) polls are the modern substitute for the town meeting.
C) polls are an art and not a science.
D) pollsters had been rejected by recent presidents.

On Jul 16, 2024



What is the difference between single-member (winner-take-all)electoral system and proportional representation?

On Jul 14, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
Proportional representation is an electoral system in which legislators are elected at-large and in which parties receive electoral representation in proportion to the percentage of total votes they receive.In a single-member (winner-take-all)electoral system, in national legislative elections, one individual candidate is elected from each separate geographic district. In the United States, the first-past-the-post principle is used, which means that a legislative candidate need not win a majority of votes in that district to win the seat; he or she merely needs to finish first; i.e., with more votes than any other candidate.Ubiquitous in the United States, single-member districts contrast with other forms of representation such as multimember districts in which representation is shared in a given electoral district based on the proportion of votes received.


The term "feminization of poverty" refers to the fact that

A) women are more likely to be poor than men.
B) women benefit more than men from federal government antipoverty programs.
C) women have become less likely over time to fall below the federal poverty line.
D) the wage gap between men and women has become much larger over the last 50 years.

On Jun 15, 2024



A type of record in which researchers serve as editors and commentators to eliminate any repetition in descriptions and shorten lengthy discourses.Researchers highlight selected segments and delete other segments.This type of record is called

A) private archives.
B) comprehensive autobiography.
C) edited autobiography.
D) topical autobiography.

On Jun 14, 2024



Describe the organizational structure and composition of the federal bureaucracy.Specifically,what are the differences between departments,agencies,and bureaus and what are the lines of authority within the executive branch? How representative is the federal bureaucracy of the American public,how is it staffed,and how has this changed since the nineteenth century?

On Jun 12, 2024

There are three components to this question.
a.Departments,agencies,bureaus,and lines of authority within the executive branch: The president is the chief executive.Departments,agencies,and bureaus are the operating parts of the bureaucratic whole.At the top is the head of the department (called the "secretary").Below the secretary and the deputy secretary is a second tier of "undersecretaries," who have management responsibilities for one or more operating agencies.Those operating agencies are the third tier of the department,yet they are the highest level of responsibility for the actual programs around which the entire department is organized.This third tier is generally called the "bureau level." Each bureau-level agency usually operates under a statute,enacted by Congress,that sets up the agency and gives it its authority and jurisdiction.
b.Representativeness of the federal bureaucracy: Federal bureaucrats are distributed around the country,with nearly four out of five federal employees working outside of Washington,D.C.Compared to private-sector workers,members of the full-time civilian federal workforce are more educated and are more likely to hold professional occupations in science,engineering,diplomacy,and other advanced fields.Federal workers are more racially and ethnically diverse than the private workforce and nearly one-third of federal workers are veterans.
c.Staffing the federal bureaucracy: More than a century ago the federal government attempted to imitate business by passing the Civil Service Act of 1883.This law required that appointees to public office be qualified for the jobs to which they were appointed.This policy came to be called the merit system; its goal was not merely to put an end to political appointments under the "spoils system," which awarded jobs based on political connections,but also to create a system of competitive examinations through which the very best candidates were to be hired for every job.At the higher levels of government agencies,including such posts as cabinet secretaries and assistant secretaries,many jobs are filled with political appointees and are not part of the merit system.


What are the four joint committees in Congress?

A) economic,taxation,library,and printing
B) foreign affairs,welfare,currency,and trade
C) globalization,human rights,employment,and citizenship
D) justice,agriculture,education,and technology

On Jun 11, 2024



A frequent cause of measurement error in polls is due to

A) unresponsiveness.
B) poorly worded questions.
C) push polling.
D) the increased use of cell phones.

On Jun 10, 2024



What is the importance of the National Security Council (NSC)?

On Jun 08, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
The National Security Council advises the president and coordinates foreign and defense policy.