


Which of the following funds invest specifically in stocks of fast-growing companies?

A) balanced funds
B) growth equity funds
D) equity income funds

On Jul 12, 2024



The market system

A) produces considerable inefficiency in the use of scarce resources.
B) effectively harnesses the incentives of workers and entrepreneurs.
C) is not consistent with freedom of choice in the long run.
D) has slowly lost ground to emerging command systems.

On Jul 06, 2024



Explain how ethnocentrism, stereotypes, and interpretation of time can create barriers to intercultural communication.

On Jun 11, 2024

Answers will vary. People raised in two different cultures can clash in various ways because cultures give different definitions of basics of interaction, such as values and norms.
a. Ethnocentrism: Problems occur between people of different cultures primarily because people tend to assume that their own cultural norms are the right way to do things. They wrongly believe that the specific patterns of behavior desired in their own cultures are universally valued. This belief, known as ethnocentrism, is certainly natural; but learning about other cultures and developing sensitivity will help minimize ethnocentric reactions when dealing with other cultures.
b. Stereotypes: We often form a mental picture of the main characteristics of another group, creating preformed ideas of what people in this group are like. These pictures, called stereotypes, influence the way we interact with members of the other group. When we observe a behavior that conforms to a stereotype, the validity of the preconceived notion is reinforced. We often view the other person as a representative of a class of people rather than as an individual. People of all cultures have stereotypes about other cultural groups they have encountered. These stereotypes can interfere with communication when people interact on the basis of the imagined representative and not the real individual.
c. Interpretation of time: The study of how a culture perceives time and its use is called chronemics. In the United States, we have a saying that "time is money." Canadians, like some northern Europeans who are also concerned about punctuality, make appointments, keep them, and complete them, and waste no time in the process. In some other cultures, time is the cheapest commodity and an inexhaustible resource; time represents a person's span on Earth, which is only part of eternity. To these cultures, engaging in long, casual conversations prior to serious discussions or negotiations is time well spent in establishing and nurturing relationships. On the other hand, the time-efficient American businessperson is likely to fret about wasting precious time.


What special considerations should be kept in mind when organizing report content for a website?

On Jun 06, 2024

Many websites,particularly company websites,function as informational reports,offering sections with information about the company and its history,products and services,executive team,and so on.Web readers are demanding.If they can't find what they're looking for in a few minutes,most site visitors will click away to another site.Reading online can be difficult.Studies show that reading speeds are about 25 percent slower on a monitor than on paper.Reading from computer screens can also be exhausting and a source of physical discomfort.The web is a nonlinear,multidimensional medium.Readers of online material move around in any order they please; there often is no beginning,middle,or end.In addition,many websites have to perform more than one communication function and therefore have more than one purpose.Each of these individual purposes needs to be carefully defined and then integrated into an overall statement of purpose for the entire website.Moreover,many websites also have multiple target audiences,such as potential employees,customers,investors,and the news media.You need to analyze each group's unique information needs and find a logical way to organize all that material.If you know that a sizable percentage of your target audience will access your site with mobile devices,take a mobile-first approach: design the site to work with tablets and smartphones,then make sure it functions well on conventional computer screens as well.Plan your site structure and navigation before you write.Let your readers be in control by creating links and pathways that let them explore on their own.Help online readers scan and absorb information by breaking it into self-contained,easily readable chunks that are linked together logically.


The internal rate of return is analogous to the yield on a bond, because both are rates that equate inflows with outflows on a present value basis.

On May 08, 2024



Under the Check 21 Act:

A) banks must accept checks in electronic form.
B) banks are permitted to truncate original checks and process check information electronically.
C) banks must create substitute checks which are the legal equivalent of the original checks.
D) banks must keep the paper checks on file for 90 days.

On May 04, 2024



In the price-setting process, the next step after demand has been evaluated is to

A) analyze the competitive price environment.
B) define the pricing objectives.
C) choose a price.
D) determine the costs.
E) evaluate the alternatives.

On May 01, 2024