


Sherry hates to do financial reports.Her boss encourages her when he gives her a financial report assignment and praises her when she gets it done on time and accurately.He is quite stern and scolds her if she complains about doing them.Over time,Sherry begins to feel more positively about doing the reports and actually comes to enjoy them.This is an example of the power of​

A) ​rewards and punishment in forming attitudes.
B) the effect of role model identification on attitude formation.​
C) the socialization process at work.​
D) a peer group on the development of attitudes.​

On Jun 22, 2024



How should one begin an indirect claim message?

On Jun 18, 2024

A claim message needs to identify the transactions involved. This you can do early in the message as a part of the beginning. One way is to put the identification in the subject head in an email message or in the subject line of a letter. Whether you use a subject line and your first paragraph or the first paragraph alone to introduce the problem, choose your words with care. Such negatively charged words as complaint or disappointment can put your readers on the defensive before you have even had a chance to make your case.


Which of the following is NOT a supply-side policy?

A) Decrease taxes
B) Cut government spending
C) Balance the budget
D) Increase government spending in response to a deflationary gap
E) Decrease entitlement programs

On May 21, 2024



The portion of a natural resource cost that is recognized as an expense is ________.

On May 18, 2024
