


The stratified random sample is a subset of a frame, or of an associated population, chosen by randomly selecting one of the first k elements and then including every kth element thereafter until the desired sample size has been reached.

On Jul 13, 2024



Evaluate the function as indicated. Round your answer to three decimal places. G(x) =1.5−xx=1\begin{aligned}G ( x ) & = 1.5 ^ { - x } \\x & = 1\end{aligned}G(x) x=1.5x=1

A) 0.500
B) 0.667
C) 2.500
D) -0.667
E) -1.500

On Jul 12, 2024



The tickets for a hockey game cost $19.00 for the blue LO and $25.50 for the red LO. If 4,460 tickets were sold for a total of $93,450, how many seats were sold in each LO?

On Jun 13, 2024

blue = 3120; red = 1340


Testing whether the slope of the population regression line could be zero is equivalent to testing whether:

A) the sample coefficient of correlation could be zero
B) the standard error of estimate could be zero
C) the population coefficient of correlation could be zero
D) the sum of squares for error could be zero
E) all of these

On Jun 12, 2024



Commercial Paper with a face value of $1,000,000 issued at a discount rate of 7.5% simple interest has a term of 360 days. At what price was it issued?

A) $944,736
B) $1,000,000
C) $925,000
D) $1,073,973
E) $931,122

On May 14, 2024



The following grades are from the first business mathematics test in the semester. What is the class average?
The following grades are from the first business mathematics test in the semester. What is the class average?

On May 13, 2024



A study,conducted by Jackson et al.and published in the journal Cancer Causes and Control in 2009,examined 33,938 women aged 40 to 84 years old who resided in California and who reported having had a mammogram within the last 2 years.The researchers were interested in characteristics of women who routinely obtain mammograms,as suggested by the American Cancer Society,to detect breast cancer.The table below provides a column that refers to the sample size and provides characteristics of the 33,938 women who were included in the study who reported having had a mammogram. A study,conducted by Jackson et al.and published in the journal Cancer Causes and Control in 2009,examined 33,938 women aged 40 to 84 years old who resided in California and who reported having had a mammogram within the last 2 years.The researchers were interested in characteristics of women who routinely obtain mammograms,as suggested by the American Cancer Society,to detect breast cancer.The table below provides a column that refers to the sample size and provides characteristics of the 33,938 women who were included in the study who reported having had a mammogram.   What proportion of the sample had a household income below $35K? A) 13,164/33,938 B) 33,938/13,164 C) 13,164 D) 33,938 What proportion of the sample had a household income below $35K?

A) 13,164/33,938
B) 33,938/13,164
C) 13,164
D) 33,938

On May 11, 2024