


Explain the scope of and the penalties for commissions of unfair business practices.

On Jul 18, 2024

Unfair Business Practices:
- legislation generally prohibits making False or misleading representations to consumers which would induce them to enter into the contract
- also prohibits unconscionable transactions, excessively one-sided or adverse transactions, the use of undue pressure by sellers and misleading statements made by sellers upon which consumers will rely
- the list of activities defining unfair practices may be expanded at any time by regulation
- penalties for breach of any enumerated practice include fines, rescission of the contract by the consumer or damages where rescission is not possible, including exemplary or punitive damages
- also, the administrator of the legislation has powers of investigation, may issue cease and-desist orders to violators and may cancel the registration of a violating seller (if it is registered)
- in order to balance the powers under such legislation, however, the onus is on consumers to act within a short period of time to obtain the benefits provided


A producer is a monopoly if it is the sole supplier of a good that has no close substitutes.

On Jul 16, 2024



The Interaction Process Analysis (IPA)is a method for participants in an experiment to evaluate how friendly or unfriendly other group members are.

On Jun 18, 2024



I am a leader who has identified an adaptive challenge.What do I need to do now?

A) focus attention on the problem and establish collaboration between myself and my followers
B) provide followers with a solution that fits the problem
C) provide followers with a solution that fits the problem and ask them for input
D) focus attention on the solution then share it will the followers

On Jun 16, 2024



The real risk-free rate of interest is determined by the Federal Reserve.

On May 19, 2024



On the way to track practice you get pulled over for speeding.When you arrive to practice late,the coach makes you run laps.This is an example of ______.

A) legitimate power
B) coercive power
C) expert power
D) personal power

On May 17, 2024