


Which of the following statements is most accurate about the U.S. current account since the Great Recession (the period covering 2009-2015) ?

A) The current account has remained the same in absolute terms, but fallen as a percentage of GDP.
B) The current account has gone from a deficit to a surplus.
C) The current account deficit has grown in absolute terms, but remained relatively constant as a percentage of GDP.
D) The current account deficit has grown in both absolute terms, and as a percentage of GDP.

On Jul 27, 2024



What are characteristics of innovators? Why are innovators important to marketers?

On Jun 30, 2024

Innovators are those buyers who want to be the first on the block to have the new product or service. These buyers enjoy taking risks and are regarded as highly knowledgeable. Innovators are crucial to the success of any new product or service because they help the product gain market acceptance. Through talking about and spreading positive word of mouth about the new product, they prove instrumental in bringing in the next adopter category, early adopters.


Smith, a Director of Alfa Industries, discovered a business opportunity mentioned in a foreign magazine that would work well for Alfa in Canada. Rather than bring it up at the next directors' meeting, Mr. Smith takes advantage of it himself. He is in breach of his fiduciary duty to Alfa.

On Jun 27, 2024



As a leader, if one person is dominating the meeting and not letting others contribute, you should ________.

A) ask that person to leave the meeting
B) politely point out that time is limited and that others need to be heard from too
C) ignore the situation but not invite that person to the next meeting
D) avoid conflict

On May 31, 2024



Describe the different kinds of power. Are some types of power more likely to result in ethical behavior than others?

On May 28, 2024

The five power bases include reward power, coercive power, legitimate power, expert power, and referent power. Reward power refers to a person's ability to influence the behavior of others by offering them something desirable. Reward power can get people to change their behavior in the long run but is not as effective in the short run as coercive power. Coercive power penalizes actions or behaviors to induce change. It is highly effective in the short run. However,followers get resentful in the long run and coercive power tends to fall apart. Legitimate power stems from the belief that a person has the right to exert influence and certain others have an obligation to accept it. A boss often has legitimate power. Many people tend to acquiesce to individuals perceived to have legitimate power. Expert power is derived from a person's knowledge (or a perception that a person possesses knowledge). Expert power has high credibility among followers. Referent power may exist when one person perceives that his or her goals or objectives are similar to another's. Identification with others helps boost the decision maker's confidence.


Under special circumstances,a court can order the debtor to become a party to the reaffirmation agreement.

On May 01, 2024



Depreciation on equipment for the year is $6,300.(a) Record the journal entry if the company prepares adjustments once a year.(b) Record the journal entry if the company prepares adjustments on a monthly basis.

On Apr 28, 2024

(a) (a)   (b)  (b) (a)   (b)