


Data generated by or for a specific organization can constitute reasonable evidence.

On Jul 12, 2024



Why should a candidate avoid the use of photographs in a résumé?

On Jul 09, 2024

As you produce your résumé in various formats,you will encounter the question of whether to include a photograph of yourself on or with your résumé.For print or digital documents that you will be submitting to employers or job websites,the safest advice is to avoid photos.The reason is that seeing visual cues of the age,ethnicity,and gender of candidates early in the selection process exposes employers to complaints of discriminatory hiring practices.In fact,some employers won't even look at résumés that include photos,and some applicant tracking systems automatically discard résumés with any extra files.However,photographs are acceptable and expected for social media résumés and other online formats where you are not actively submitting a résumé to an employer.


Certosimo Corporation has provided the following contribution format income statement. All questions concern situations that are within the relevant range.
Certosimo Corporation has provided the following contribution format income statement. All questions concern situations that are within the relevant range.    Required: a. If sales increase to 7,040 units, what would be the estimated increase in net operating income? b. If sales decline to 6,900 units, what would be the estimated net operating income? Required:
a. If sales increase to 7,040 units, what would be the estimated increase in net operating income?
b. If sales decline to 6,900 units, what would be the estimated net operating income?

On Jun 12, 2024

a. The increase in net operating income would be the increased contribution margin because fixed expenses are not affected.
a. The increase in net operating income would be the increased contribution margin because fixed expenses are not affected.      b.   a. The increase in net operating income would be the increased contribution margin because fixed expenses are not affected.      b.   b.
a. The increase in net operating income would be the increased contribution margin because fixed expenses are not affected.      b.


The two methods of accounting for uncollectible accounts are the ____________ method and the ______________ method.

On Jun 09, 2024

allowance direct write-off


As you move up an indifference curve, the absolute value of the slope

A) increases.
B) decreases.
C) remains constant.
D) initially increases and then decreases.

On May 13, 2024



Is Morton's contract for Winslow to purchase his wheat crop covered by the UCC?

A) No, because the wheat is still growing and affixed to the land, and land sales are covered by common law.
B) No, because crops are not considered goods.
C) Yes, but only if Morton sells Winslow the right to come onto his property and remove the wheat.
D) Yes, but only if Morton cuts them down and then sells them to Winslow.
E) Yes, because crops that are sold while still growing in the field are considered goods.

On May 09, 2024