


Parsa Incorporated reported the following results from last year's operations: Parsa Incorporated reported the following results from last year's operations:   At the beginning of this year, the company has a $1,100,000 investment opportunity with the following characteristics:   If the company pursues the investment opportunity and otherwise performs the same as last year, the combined return on investment for the entire company will be closest to: A)  12.0% B)  8.6% C)  10.4% D)  1.7% At the beginning of this year, the company has a $1,100,000 investment opportunity with the following characteristics:
Parsa Incorporated reported the following results from last year's operations:   At the beginning of this year, the company has a $1,100,000 investment opportunity with the following characteristics:   If the company pursues the investment opportunity and otherwise performs the same as last year, the combined return on investment for the entire company will be closest to: A)  12.0% B)  8.6% C)  10.4% D)  1.7% If the company pursues the investment opportunity and otherwise performs the same as last year, the combined return on investment for the entire company will be closest to:

A) 12.0%
B) 8.6%
C) 10.4%
D) 1.7%

On Jul 30, 2024



When a person cashes a check drawn on her own account,the money supply

A) increases.
B) decreases.
C) remains the same.
D) increases because of interest rates.

On Jul 01, 2024



Activity rates from Mcelderry Corporation's activity-based costing system are listed below.The company uses the activity rates to assign overhead costs to products: Activity rates from Mcelderry Corporation's activity-based costing system are listed below.The company uses the activity rates to assign overhead costs to products:   Last year, Product Q06J involved 10 customer orders, 580 assembly hours, and 12 batches.How much overhead cost would be assigned to Product Q06J using the activity-based costing system? A) $71.01 B) $219.12 C) $2,388.22 D) $42,748.02 Last year, Product Q06J involved 10 customer orders, 580 assembly hours, and 12 batches.How much overhead cost would be assigned to Product Q06J using the activity-based costing system?

A) $71.01
B) $219.12
C) $2,388.22
D) $42,748.02

On Jun 30, 2024



Statement I: China and South Korea are the world's largest exporters.
Statement II: International trade is more important to the U.S.economy than it is to smaller industrial countries such as the Netherlands.

A) Statement I is true and statement II is false
B) Statement II is true and statement I is false
C) Both statements are true
D) Both statements are false

On Jun 01, 2024



In the case in the text,Walters v.YMCA,what was the court's holding?

A) The language of the exculpatory clause was void and unenforceable as against public policy.
B) Then language of the exculpatory clause was overly broad and unenforceable as against public policy.
C) The language of the exculpatory clause was appropriate under the circumstances and Walters could not recover.
D) The language of the exculpatory clause was unenforceable because parties cannot free themselves of negligence liability.

On May 31, 2024



Diving Fiasco.Mike,who owns a dive shop in the United States,decides to take a group of his customers diving in U.S.waters.Mike is aware that sharks occasionally visit the area where the divers will be visiting.He is also aware that,while stingrays are usually tame,they can become aggressive when fed.Mike does not reveal that information to the group of divers going with him.The divers go down into the water,and some have squid with which to feed the stingrays.During the dive,one of the stingrays becomes agitated and latches onto diver Susie's arm.Susie is so disconcerted that she drops her regulator (her breathing device) from her mouth and is in considerable difficulty.Another diver,Billy,encounters a shark,which snaps at him.While the shark does not actually bite Billy,the attack results in damage to his diving equipment.Mike,who is in charge of the dive,does nothing to help and leaves the other divers to return to the boat because the dive turned out to be more trouble than expected.Wendy,another diver on the trip,also returns to the boat without doing anything to help the divers in distress.Sam,on the other hand,goes to rescue the divers who are in distress.He manages to do so but in the process he pulls his back and requires medical care.All divers are very unhappy with Mike.Which of the following is true regarding whether Wendy and Sam had a duty to come to the assistance of the divers in peril?

A) Neither Wendy nor Sam had a duty to go to the aid of the divers who were in peril.
B) Wendy and Sam had a duty to go to the aid of the divers in peril only if Mike refused to do so.
C) Wendy and Sam did not have a duty to go to the aid of the divers in peril unless they were the first to see the problem.
D) Wendy and Sam had a duty to assist the divers in peril only if they were acquainted prior to the dive with the divers who were in peril.They had no duty to help strangers.
E) Sam and Wendy had a duty to help the divers who were in peril if personal safety was involved but not if the only issue was damage to property.

On May 02, 2024



Under the straight-line amortization method, interest expense on a bond sold at a premium is equal to the

A) interest paid plus bond premium amortization
B) interest rate times the book value of the bonds
C) interest rate times the face value of the bonds
D) interest paid minus bond premium amortization

On May 01, 2024



Carl and Ron both work in road construction. They know that two major jobs are going to be up for public bids, and agree between themselves that Carl will bid on one job and Ron will bid on the other, so that they both have work for the summer. When the bids are opened, Carl realizes that Ron has bid on both jobs. Ron is awarded both contracts. If Carl now wants to sue Ron for breach of contract:

A) Carl would probably win on the basis of promissory estoppel since he has detrimentally relied upon Ron's representation that he would not bid.
B) since Carl is less at fault than Ron, the court will likely award Carl damages.
C) the agreement will not be enforced by the courts because it violates public policy.
D) the agreement will not be enforced by the courts because it obstructs the administration of justice.

On Apr 30, 2024



Our currency is issued by the _______________.

On Apr 29, 2024

12 Federal Reserve District Banks


Differentiate between hearing and listening.

On Apr 27, 2024

Hearing refers to being able to detect sounds. Listening is deriving meaning from sounds that are heard.