


Universal citizenship refers to the:

A) right to free speech,freedom of religion,and justice before the law
B) right to vote and run for office
C) right to a certain level of economic security and full participation in social life with the help of the modern welfare state
D) extension of citizenship rights to all adult members of society and to society as a whole
E) all of these choices

On Aug 02, 2024



Leif and a group of other sociology students have started a campaign to have an open review of university administrators' salaries as they believe that there are massive gender inequities between people's pay on campus. Which of the following unintended functions of education are Leif and the others engaging in?

A) improving knowledge of the world
B) socializing students
C) creating political dissent
D) creating a homogenizing effect

On Jul 28, 2024



In __________,researchers interact naturally with the people they are studying,but do not reveal their identities as researchers.

A) participant observation
B) non-participant observation
C) survey research
D) clinical research

On Jul 23, 2024



The leadership style that allows subordinates to work things out largely on their own,with almost no direction from above,is called:

A) authoritarian
B) democratic
C) laissez-faire
D) bureaucratic
E) subordinate

On Jul 19, 2024



Making eye contact with the client and encouraging the client to continue talking are examples of:

A) Attending skills
B) Worker service skills
C) Culturally-neutral skills
D) All of the above

On Jul 02, 2024



What are some consequences of rape for victims and for society? Why does this kind of assault have such a deep impact on victims? How is the overall society hurt by the widespread occurrence of sexual assaults?

On Jun 28, 2024

The consequences of rape for victims are numerous and severe. Victims often experience physical injuries, emotional trauma, and psychological distress. They may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Additionally, victims may struggle with feelings of shame, guilt, and self-blame, which can lead to a loss of self-esteem and confidence. In some cases, victims may also face social stigma and discrimination, which can further exacerbate their suffering.

The impact of rape on society is also significant. Sexual assault can contribute to a culture of fear and mistrust, as individuals may feel unsafe in their communities. It can also strain relationships and erode trust between individuals, leading to a breakdown in social cohesion. Furthermore, the prevalence of sexual assault can contribute to a sense of injustice and inequality, as victims may feel that their experiences are not taken seriously or that they are not receiving adequate support and protection from their communities and institutions.

This kind of assault has such a deep impact on victims because it violates their sense of autonomy, safety, and dignity. Rape is a profound violation of a person's bodily integrity and personal boundaries, and it can shatter their sense of security and trust in others. The trauma of rape can also be compounded by societal attitudes and responses that blame or disbelieve victims, further undermining their sense of agency and control.

The overall society is hurt by the widespread occurrence of sexual assaults in numerous ways. It can lead to a climate of fear and insecurity, as individuals may feel at risk of being victimized. It can also contribute to a culture of silence and shame, as victims may be reluctant to come forward and seek help. Additionally, the prevalence of sexual assault can strain resources and services, as communities and institutions may struggle to provide adequate support and protection for victims. Ultimately, the widespread occurrence of sexual assaults can undermine the well-being and social fabric of a community, leading to a breakdown in trust, safety, and justice.


Which is a way that sociological feminists produce social scientific accounts that are still supportive of emancipatory projects? Select all, but only those apply.

A) Weaving together the diverse accounts of women.
B) Privileging accounts of the less privileged.
C) Reflexively moving from individual to group accounts while accounting for power.
D) Identifying how accounts a situated.

On Jun 25, 2024

A, B, C, D


The custom in which men and women split the costs of a date is called

A) hanging out.
B) going Dutch.
C) mixing.
D) getting together.

On Jun 23, 2024



Which of the following is an element of postcolonial thought?

A) The focus on contemporary colonialism overlooks the egregious atrocities of the past.
B) The roles of culture, knowledge, and representation have been overemphasized in the construction of the colonial world and its inhabitants.
C) The West was unable to create an image of itself through encounters with colonized peoples.
D) Decolonized consciousness can be created through new kinds of knowledge.

On Jun 18, 2024



It is not possible to incorporate the nature and roles of actors in exchange theory.

On May 26, 2024
