


Walter Cannon (1932) was one of the first theorists to describe which physiological reaction to threat

A)  the fight-flight response
B)  the tend-befriend response 
C)  the task-performance response
D)  the optimal-arousal response

On Jul 31, 2024



While discrimination is not always intentional,prejudice is.

On Jul 20, 2024



Nicole frequently has panic attacks.She knows that she is having an attack when she experiences all of the following EXCEPT

A) sweating.
B) feelings of going crazy or dying.
C) a fast heart rate.
D) chest pain lasting for hours.

On Jun 30, 2024



Define psychological assessment. In your answer, discuss and show full knowledge of the following concepts: assessment tools, clinical interview, psychological testing, reliability, and validity.

On Jun 20, 2024

Psychological assessment refers to the systematic gathering and evaluation of information pertaining to an individual for whom a specific question about psychological functioning needs answering. Assessment requires the clinician to place and interpret scores and other data within the context of the person's history, referral information, behavioural observations and life story of that person in order to provide a comprehensive understanding of that individual. Assessment can be carried out with a wide variety of techniques, typically including a clinical interview and a number of psychological tests. If relevant to the referral question, biological assessments (e.g., EEG, brain imaging techniques) may be required. Issues of reliability and validity pertain to each of the assessment tools selected. Specific issues of reliability and validity pertain to specific tools - for example unstructured clinical interviews are often needed in order to establish trust and rapport, but this tool has problems of reliability and validity stemming from the subjectivity and bias that may be present, such as when the clinician's initial assumptions about the problem guide her questions and other questions - that would shed light on important aspects of the situation - are left out.


Which of the following is a good strategy to adopt in tackling the interview process?

A) Take some time to learn something about the company you're interviewing with.
B) Introduce yourself (by phone or in person) directly to the person in charge of hiring and request an interview.
C) Try to identify an acquaintance that you and the person in charge have in common.
D) All of the above are good strategies.

On Jun 18, 2024



If a dog that has been classically conditioned to salivate when shown a square does NOT salivate when shown a triangle,what does the dog's behaviour illustrate

A)  extinction
B)  stimulus discrimination 
C)  stimulus generalization
D)  first-order conditioning

On May 20, 2024



According to the functionalist perspective,there are no social benefits of prejudice and discrimination.

On May 19, 2024



Sahid cringes every time he hears a dentist's drill, even when he is sitting in the waiting room of his dentist's office. In this example, cringing in the waiting room is

A) an unconditioned response.
B) a conditioned stimulus.
C) a conditioned response.
D) an unconditioned stimulus.

On May 18, 2024