


Which of the following caused many slaves to die before reaching American shores?

A) Slaves were cramped in ships, where each had only the space of a coffin, causing disease to spread rapidly.
B) Slaves were not offered food or water for the entire length of the trip across the sea.
C) Slaves opted to jump overboard, rather than enter into hard physical labor.
D) This statement is false; the majority of slaves did reach American shores.

On Jul 20, 2024



What impact did the slave trade have on Europe?

A) The expanding trans-Atlantic trade in slaves and the products of slave labor became the basis of the European economic system.
B) It caused the European economy to become dependent on the whims of West African rulers.
C) It caused severe economic dislocations in the European states involved in the trade.
D) As European states involved in the trade colonized West Africa, their empires became worldwide in scope.

On Jul 14, 2024



Who were yeoman farmers in the mid-eighteenth century?

A) freed African-American slaves who owned their own farms
B) white farmers in the North who owned slaves to help work the fields
C) young farmhands who worked with older farmhands, much like apprentices
D) small landowners who usually farmed their own land and did not own slaves
E) slaves who worked on large cotton plantations in the South

On Jun 15, 2024



As a result of the Korean War, _____________________.

A) the United States decided to rearm Japan
B) the Eisenhower administration decided to cut off American aid to France in Vietnam
C) the globalist foreign policy of the United States became highly militarized
D) Japan requested that an American military base be established at Okinawa

On Jun 11, 2024



In response to the Panic of 1873, many debtors and unemployed workers advocated ____________________.

A) easy-money policies, which they hoped would spur economic expansion
B) federal monetary grants to freedmen so they could open their own businesses and banks
C) a federal loan program to finance industrial development in the South
D) federal loans to freedmen so they could buy their own land

On May 15, 2024



Which painter's Guernica commemorated the horrors caused by Italian and German bombing in Spain?

A) Salvador Dalí
B) Pablo Picasso
C) Julio González
D) Albert Marque
E) Ernest Hemingway

On May 12, 2024