Tarteel Alrayahneh




What are the different types of piecework rates? Explain each of them.

On Jul 11, 2024

The two types of piecework rates are the straight piecework plan and the differential piece rates plan. Straight piecework pay is an incentive pay in which the employer pays the same rate per piece, no matter how much the worker produces. Differential piece rates (also called rising and falling differentials) refers to the incentive pay in which the piece rate is higher when a greater amount is produced.


________ is the use of a component in parallel to raise reliabilities.

On Jul 09, 2024



An entrepreneur employs 20 people, which he personally supervises.However, the company will likely employ over 200 people in production, sales, engineering and administration within a few years due to the growing success of the company's new products.The entrepreneur likes the current structure and wants to avoid other forms of departmentalization.Explain to the entrepreneur why his company would be more effective through forms of departmentalization as it grows larger.

On Jun 11, 2024

As an organization grows, departmentalization into a functional or divisional form becomes necessary to better coordinate work activities as the number of employees increases.Most other forms of departmentalization (e.g.functional, divisional, matrix, hybrid) form departments that establish a system of common supervision among positions and units within the organization.Departmentalization typically determines which positions and units must share resources.Thus, it establishes interdependencies among employees and subunits.Departmentalization usually creates common measures of performance.Members of the same department, for example, share the same departmental or team goals.Common budgets and other resources also provide a means by which the performance of subunits may be compared.Departmentalization encourages coordination through informal communication among people and subunits.With common supervision and resources, members within each configuration typically work in close proximity.This encourages frequent, informal communication among employees so that they may coordinate work activities.


Mike purchased an ABC Co. bond that gives him the right to sell the bond to ABC Co. at a stated price. Mike bought a ______ bond.

A) Callable.
B) Discount.
C) Zero-coupon.
D) Put.
E) Floating-rate.

On Jun 09, 2024



One distinction between arts and crafts is that an art product has no obvious functional value while a craft product usually does.

On May 11, 2024



State regulatory powers are often referred to as police powers .

On May 10, 2024
