


For what type of data are frequencies the only calculations that can be done?

A) Interval data
B) Nominal data
C) Ordinal data
D) None of these choices.

On Aug 02, 2024



For which of these research situations would you most likely calculate a correlation coefficient?

A) independent variable = blood alcohol level; dependent variable = reaction time
B) independent variable = type of car owned; dependent variable = annual income
C) independent variable = gender; dependent variable = favorite type of music
D) independent variable = city of residence; dependent variable = political affiliation

On Jul 25, 2024



The variance inflation factor for each variable in a multiple regression analysis is listed below: The variance inflation factor for each variable in a multiple regression analysis is listed below:   Given these VIFs what can you say about multicollinearity in a model that includes all three of these variables? Given these VIFs what can you say about multicollinearity in a model that includes all three of these variables?

On Jun 30, 2024

Conservative guidelines suggest that a maximum VIF of 5 or more suggests too much multicollinearity.For the example,all VIF values are below the suggested guideline.Therefore,multicollinearity is not an issue in this example.


In an effort to improve profits,a major Canadian car rental company monitors all rentals for safety and customer satisfaction.For each rental the company must report the type of car,the age of the driver,whether the car was ready at the agreed upon time,and any mechanical problems.

A) Who: All car rentals; Cases: Each car rented is a separate case; What: Type of car,age of driver,whether the car was ready,and mechanical problems; When: Current; Where: Canada; Why: To improve profits; How: Data are collected from rental records.
B) Who: All car rentals; Cases: Each car rented is a separate case; What: Type of car,age of driver,whether the car was ready,and mechanical problems; When: Two years ago; Where: Not specified; Why: To improve customer service; How: Not specified.
C) Who: All car rentals; Cases: Each car rental company is a separate case; What: Type of car; When: Current; Where: Canada; Why: To improve profits; How: Data are collected from rental records.
D) Who: Car rentals; Cases: Each agency is a separate case; What: Type of car,age of driver,whether the car was ready,and mechanical problems; When: Last year; Where: Canada; Why: To improve customer service; How: Data are collected from rental records.
E) Who: Car rental company; Cases: Each car rented is a separate case; What: Type of car,age of driver,whether the car was ready,and mechanical problems; When: Current; Where: Major car rental company; Why: To improve profits; How: Data are collected from rental records.

On Jun 25, 2024



If there is no difference between sample and population values,what do you have?

A) a high sampling error
B) a low but positive sampling error
C) no sampling error
D) It cannot be determined.

On May 29, 2024



Perform the operation indicated and collect like terms:
4a2b3−6a3b22ab2\frac{4 a^{2} b^{3}-6 a^{3} b^{2}}{2 a b^{2}}2ab24a2b36a3b2

On May 26, 2024

2ab - 3a2