


How does the government measure the economy's rate of unemployment?

On Jul 27, 2024

The unemployment rate is the percentage of the labor force that is unemployed.


Reported income is identical under absorption costing and variable costing when the units produced ________ the units sold.

On Jun 30, 2024



Multiplication.Phyllis,who is 30 years old,works for We Add for You Accounting.Phyllis has worked there for a number of years and is considering quitting in order to spend more time with her three active triplets,Sunny,Fussy,and Perky.She asks her boss,Bolivar,about the pension plan at We Add for You.Her boss tells her that she is not entitled to that information until she is at least 60 years old.Phyllis also asks about retaining her medical insurance protection if she quits and is told that she would have no right to do so.Bolivar also throws in that he has been monitoring her conversations and that he particularly enjoys the conversations between her and her single female friends involving failed dating experiences.He asks her to keep those up.Phyllis tells him that her personal phone calls are none of his business.Bolivar says that he can listen if he wants because the phones are his.Phyllis ends up starting her own company called We Multiply for You,and makes much,much more money.(In answering the following questions,assume all federal laws apply and that any pension and medical plan qualifies for regulation under federal law.) Which of the following addresses the retention of medical benefits upon leaving a job?

A) The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)
B) The Medical Benefits Retention Act (MBRA)
C) The Health and Maintenance Act (HMA)
D) The Comprehensive Medical Benefits Retention Act (CMBRA)
E) The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

On Jun 27, 2024



Managing Antecedents calls for removing barriers to performance such as confusing rules or conflicting orders.

On May 31, 2024



The anticipation of achieving desirable outcomes "drives" us and is the major tenet of drive theory.

On May 28, 2024



Global leadership requires a different skill set than leadership in general. Assess the roles of the contextual elements of complexity, flow, and presence in defining global leadership.

On May 01, 2024

Answers will vary. Three contextual elements make global leadership different from leadership in general: (1) complexity, (2) flow, and (3) presence.
Global leaders need to influence others in a world that is significantly more complex than a solely domestic setting. Complexity arises because managers are operating in multiple countries, dealing with various cultures, and, most important, recognizing that optimal solutions will vary across different countries. Global leaders must have knowledge of the different markets in which they work and must be able to deal with this complexity by adapting and adjusting to different demands.
Flow is the movement of information and relationships across countries and business units. Global leaders must be able to span boundaries by encouraging flow, that is, by getting people and business units to trust and communicate with one another and take on different perspectives.
The final dimension that global leaders must manage is presence. Presence is the degree to which an individual is required to move physically across geographic, cultural, and national boundaries, and not just communicate across those through the use of technology.
Combined, the three dimensions of complexity, flow, and presence represent the contextual demands of global leadership. By influencing others within this global context, leaders understand that they play a role in transforming not only their companies but also the societies in which they operate.
The section "The Global Context of Leadership" on page 292 explains the roles of the contextual elements that make global leadership different from leadership in general. Students can use this section to make their own interpretation and answer this question.


Under which test may a court presume that an individual is abusing the bankruptcy provisions of Chapter 7 when an individual's debt is primarily consumer debt and the individual's income is above the median income in his or her state?

A) The means test
B) The assets test
C) The liabilities test
D) The balance sheet test
E) The liquidation test

On Apr 28, 2024