


To demonstrate __________, the responses to items on a questionnaire should all correlate consistently with one another.

A) test-retest reliability
B) internal reliability
C) validity
D) statistical significance

On Jul 24, 2024



Freud suggested that the remembered events and images in our dreams were a censored expression of the dream's

A) psychosexual stages.
B) latent content.
C) reality principle.
D) collective unconscious.

On Jul 20, 2024



Describe different cultural conceptions of death.

On Jun 23, 2024

A good answer would include the following key points:
-Reaction to death is diverse.
-Christian and Jewish youth view death from a "scientific" point of view,whereas Sunni Muslim and Druze children view death in spiritual terms.
-Native Americans see death as a continuation of life.Lakota parents believe that when people die they move to the spirit land called Wanagi Makoce inhabited by people and animals.
-Children of Northern Ireland and Israel understand the finality of death at an earlier age than U.S.and British children.


Children reared in poverty are at a greater risk for school failure than children of higher socioeconomic status.

On Jun 20, 2024



Give an example of each of the four schedules of partial reinforcement, and comment on which schedule would be most likely to result in lasting behavioral change.

On May 24, 2024

The four schedules of partial reinforcement are fixed-ratio, variable-ratio, fixed-interval, and variable-interval.

An example of fixed-ratio reinforcement is a salesperson receiving a bonus for every 10 products sold.

An example of variable-ratio reinforcement is a slot machine paying out after an unpredictable number of pulls.

An example of fixed-interval reinforcement is a student receiving a grade for a test at the end of every month.

An example of variable-interval reinforcement is a manager checking in on employees at random times throughout the day.

The schedule most likely to result in lasting behavioral change is the variable-ratio schedule. This is because it is the most resistant to extinction, meaning the behavior is more likely to continue even if the reinforcement is removed. The unpredictability of the reinforcement keeps the individual engaged and motivated to continue the behavior.


All short interactions are considered microevents.

On May 21, 2024
