


The following sentences form a paragraph. For each set of choices, select the answer in which conjunctions or conjunctive adverbs are used correctly and that is punctuated correctly. Which sentence is correct?

A) Many people consider chop suey a Chinese dish, for it was invented in the United States.
B) Many people consider chop suey a Chinese dish, but it was invented in the United States.
C) Many people consider chop suey a Chinese dish yet it was invented in the United States.

On Sep 28, 2024



Read the paragraph below and then answer the following questions by selecting the letter of the correct response.
Coffee drinkers should seriously consider switching to tea. According to the latest research, the ingredients in tea may help people stay slim. When Taiwanese researchers studied 1,000 people, they found that the people who drank two cups of any kind of tea every week for ten years had 20 percent less body fat than people who didn't drink tea. But there's an even better reason to switch. As it turns out, tea lowers the risk of serious disease, such as some cancers, heart attack, and stroke. In 2003, scientists found out that after just three weeks of drinking five cups of black tea per day, fifteen people cut their cholesterol by 7 percent and their bad LDL cholesterol by 11 percent. Australian researchers studying 218 women found that tea reduced blood pressure; in fact, the more tea a person drank, the more blood pressure dropped. Coffee does not offer any of these health benefits, so tea is clearly the better beverage choice.
The subject of this paragraph is

A) the benefits of drinking tea.
B) healthy beverages.
C) coffee drinkers.

On Sep 25, 2024



Read each of the following essay introductions. Select the method the writer used in each introduction. The essay below begins with a
"Music is the speech of angels," wrote Thomas Carlyle over a hundred years ago. Today, growing numbers of scientists might agree. Soothing music has been shown to lower the blood pressure of heart patients, reduce pain after surgery, and help premature babies gain weight. In fact, research studies show that music has the power to heal and to work medical miracles.

A) general idea that is narrowed to a specific thesis statement.
B) contradiction.
C) direct quotation.

On Sep 22, 2024