


Today's workplace includes the members of four generations: the Radio Generation,Baby Boomers,Generation X,and Generation Y.What challenges does the composition of the contemporary workforce pose for on-the-job communication?

On Jul 27, 2024

Dramatically different world events,social trends,and technological advances have shaped the four generations.Therefore,each generation brings its own perspective into the workplace.Since people tend to resist change,they often assume that the way they're doing something must be the best way to do it.Moreover,diverse generations sometimes feel competitive pressures for resources,influence,control,and jobs.The result can be tension,mistrust,conflict,and communication breakdowns.The multiple generations in the workplace present another dimension of diversity-different communication habits.For instance,Generation Y workers often prefer to communicate via short electronic messages; however,Baby Boomers and Generation Xers may find these brief messages abrupt and impersonal.


The usual presentation of the retained earnings statement is (1) Beginning balance, (2) Net income or loss, (3) Dividends, (4) Stockholders' investments, (5) Ending balance.

On Jul 25, 2024



The __________ is/are comprised of 27 countries linked together through favourable trade and customs laws to facilitate the free flow of workers, products and investments across national boundaries.

A) European foreign countries
B) European countries
C) European free trade organisations
D) European International Association
E) European Union

On Jun 26, 2024



If the Fed buys government bonds on the open market,which of the following is likely to occur?

A) The money supply will expand.
B) The market rate of interest on government bonds will increase.
C) The market rate of interest on corporate bonds will increase.
D) The amount of investment spending will decrease.
E) All of the choices are likely to occur.

On Jun 25, 2024



In a merchandising business, operating income plus operating expenses is equal to

A) cost of merchandise sold
B) cost of merchandise available for sale
C) sales
D) gross profit

On May 27, 2024



Which statement is correct regarding the bank manager saying that the bank was a holder in due course, and that stop-payment orders could not affect the right of a holder in due course to collect?

A) The bank manager is wrong.
B) The bank manager is correct only if he can establish that the bank employee who actually paid the check had no knowledge of the stop-payment order.
C) The bank manager is correct unless Lena can affirmatively prove that the bank employee who actually paid the check had knowledge of the stop-payment order.
D) The bank manager is correct unless Lena can prove fraud in the factum on the part of Uptown Jewelry.
E) The bank manager is correct unless Lena can prove fraud in the factum on the part of Uptown Jewelry and that the bank was aware of the fraud.

On May 26, 2024