


Each group below contains one correct sentence. In each group, select the letter of the sentence that is correct. Which sentence is correct?

A) Finding an apartment in this neighborhood is not easy.
B) Finding an apartment in this neighborhood not easy.
C) To find an apartment in this neighborhood not easy.

On Jul 09, 2024



The paragraph below is developed by a specific mode or pattern. Read the paragraph; then answer the question(s) .
(1) Investors should be familiar with three common kinds of investments. (2) The first kind of investment is called a certificate of deposit, or CD. (3) It is the investment option with the least risk. (4) A CD loans your money to your bank for a specific period of time, during which your money collects interest. (5) The second type of investment is a bond, a slightly less conservative way to invest money. (6) With a bond, you invest your money in a business or in the government, which treats your investment as a loan. (7) The third, and riskiest, type of investment of all is in stock. (8) If you buy stock in a company, it means that you own a part of that company, however small. (9) Your fortune will rise and fall with the profits and failures of the company. (10) Each investment option has advantages and disadvantages. (11) It is best to research all options before making your choice.
Transitional words or phrases are used in which sentence(s) ?

A) (2) , (5) , (7)
B) (1) , (4)
C) (3)

On Jul 07, 2024



For each of the following sentences, select the list of words that should include apostrophes. If theres a logical explanation, shell find it.

A) there's
B) there's, she'll
C) she'll

On Jul 06, 2024



Select the letter of the correct answer. Which prewriting technique involves writing down associations that branch out from a topic in the center?

A) brainstorming
B) writing in a journal
C) freewriting
D) clustering
E) asking questions

On Jul 02, 2024



For each paragraph below, select the number of the topic sentence. Identify the topic sentence of the paragraph below.
(1) Statistics show that the average American generates about 4 pounds of trash every day. (2) When you multiply that by the number of people living in the United States, you realize we throw away about 210 million tons of stuff each year. (3) That's a lot of trash. (4) However, we can all combat this problem by taking three steps: "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle." (5) Reduce refers to lessening the amount of trash you generate. Buy only the amount you need. (6) Persuade manufacturers to reduce the amount of packaging they use. (7) Mow your lawn with a mulching mower and leave the clippings on the grass. (8) Reuse means finding other locations for items besides the garbage can. (9) Figure out other ways you can use things like cans or plastic bags. (10) Share unused portions with neighbors or charities. (11) Donate unwanted items to others rather than throwing them away. (12) If you can't reuse, recycle . (13) The recycling process can be applied to glass, paper, plastics, steel, and cardboard, which can be made into useful products rather than thrown into an overflowing landfill.

A) Sentence 1
B) Sentence 4
C) Sentence 13

On Jun 15, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. For each set of choices, select the answer in which conjunctions or conjunctive adverbs are used correctly and that is punctuated correctly. Which sentence is correct?

A) The official saw a pair of chopsticks on the table with a bottle of soy sauce standing next to them, although he invented the name "chop-soya."
B) The official saw a pair of chopsticks on the table with a bottle of soy sauce standing next to them, so he invented the name "chop-soya."
C) The official saw a pair of chopsticks on the table with a bottle of soy sauce standing next to them, therefore, he invented the name "chop-soya."

On Jun 06, 2024



Read the definition below and answer the questions that follow.
A phobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by strong, persistent, illogical fear of a specific object or situation.
The subject of the sentence is ____.

A) anxiety disorder
B) phobia
C) illogical fear

On Jun 05, 2024



Select the letter of the answer with the correct words for the blanks in each of the following sentences. He should ____ whether you will ____ or reject his proposal ____ tomorrow.

A) know, except, buy
B) know, accept, by
C) no, accept, by

On Jun 04, 2024



The following sentences form a paragraph. Select the correct word or phrase for each blank. The popular Chamber of Horrors displays the most notorious criminals of all time. Recently two new Tussaud Museums have opened. In New York, tourists now can mingle with the likes of Whoopi Goldberg, Robert Pattinson, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Carmelo Anthony. In Las Vegas, ____ can pose with Lady Gaga, George Clooney, Simon Cowell, and nearly 100 others.

A) they
B) we

On Jun 02, 2024



The paragraphs of the following essay have been scrambled so that they are out of order. Read them and then answer the question(s) that follow.
Different Types of Weightlifters
_____ (1) Power lifters may be athletes, competitive power lifters, and people wanting to increase strength. (2) These groups take power lifting seriously. (3) Power lifters lift four days a week with a two-day split. (4) Days one and four are reserved for upper body, days two and five for lower body, and the other days for rest. (5) Power lifters use a pyramid scheme to track their strength and progress. (6) The pyramid scheme is a chart that uses percentages of maximum lifts to guide repetitions for each set. (7) Power lifters rest two to two and one-half minutes between each set so that maximum strength can be applied to every set. (8) A power lifter's main focus is explosion rather than isolation or burning. (9) Sets of each lift include a low number of repetitions with a high weight to create as much strength as possible. (10) Power lifters are knowledgeable weightlifters, but they are extremely injury prone. (11) Their use of high weight with a concentration on explosion makes an injury easily possible.
_____ (12) Weightlifting can be used for different purposes throughout one's life. (13) Different people lift weights for different reasons. (14) Weightlifters can be classified into four categories: intermediate lifters, circuit lifters, power lifters, and mass lifters. (15) Each category focuses on a different type of lifting and each leads to different results.
_____ (16) Intermediate lifting contains the largest number of weightlifters. (17) Intermediate lifters do not take weightlifting seriously, using it only as a complement to cardiovascular exercise. (18) Lifters in this category do not keep journals of workouts, and they lift weights between two to five days a week, depending on their schedules. (19) An intermediate lifter's workout varies daily since records of past workouts are not kept. (20) One workout could be a total-body workout while the next is three sets of arm curls. (21) These lifters are typically beginners with little or no weightlifting knowledge. (22) Due to this lack of knowledge, intermediate lifters are injury prone.
_____ (23) Circuit lifters are the second largest group of weightlifters. (24) A circuit lifter's goal is to define his or her muscles. (25) Lifting is second to cardiovascular exercise since their main goal is to bum fat covering muscle definition. (26) Circuit lifters lift five days a week with a specific plan as well. (27) The plan includes day one for chest, day two for back, day three for legs, day four for shoulders, and day five for biceps and triceps. (28) Circuit lifters sometimes take fat-burning supplements to aid them in burning fat. (29) Circuit lifters will do fifteen to twenty repetitions per set with a light weight. (30) They will rest thirty to forty-five seconds between each set, concentrating on keeping the muscle burning. (31) The burning means lactic acid is being released, which means fat is being burned. (32) Circuit lifters are the least injury prone due to their use of light weight. (33) The risk of injury is small but still remains.
_____ (34) Intermediate lifters, circuit lifters, power lifters, and mass lifters all lift for different reasons. (35) Each lifter receives different benefits in his or her quest for improvement. (36) All weightlifters fall into one of the four mentioned categories, each with a different goal.
_____ (37) Mass lifters are typically bodybuilders or people who want to get bigger. (38) These people follow weightlifting religiously. (39) Mass lifters lift five days a week with a specific plan. (40) This plan includes chest and triceps on days one and four; back, shoulders, and biceps on days two and five; and legs on day three. (41) The other days are reserved for rest. (42) Mass lifters usually take weight-gaining supplements to aid them in their quest for more muscle mass. (43) Mass lifters will do eight to twelve repetitions per set using a medium weight. (44) Their rest periods are between one and one and one-half minutes. (45) A mass lifter concentrates on isolation of each body part, which will maximize muscle growth. (46) Mass lifters are prone to injury simply because they lift weights. (47) They are less injury prone than most lifters, however, due to their good form and proper rest techniques.
⎯ Andy Sarjahani, Student
Student Voices, Cengage Learning, © 2009
This essay is a

A) classification essay.
B) comparison and contrast essay.
C) persuasive essay.

On Jun 01, 2024