


Positive organizational scholarship focuses on what is wrong with people and their deficiencies.

On Jul 24, 2024



A contract that calls for an action contrary to public policy is illegal but not unenforceable.

On Jul 20, 2024



Think of groups that you have joined in the past.How have those experiences with past groups affected your willingness to join groups now?

On Jun 23, 2024

Joining groups in the past has had a significant impact on my willingness to join groups now. Positive experiences with past groups, such as feeling supported, valued, and included, have made me more open to joining new groups. On the other hand, negative experiences, such as feeling excluded, unappreciated, or unsupported, have made me more cautious about joining new groups. Overall, my past experiences with groups have made me more selective about the groups I choose to join and more aware of the importance of finding a group that aligns with my values and provides a sense of community and support.


What is a short-term note payable? Explain the accounting issues related to notes payable.

On Jun 20, 2024

A note payable is a written promise to pay a specified amount on a definite future date within one year or the company's operating cycle, whichever is longer. Short-term notes payable are negotiable, and can be transferred from party to party. Notes payable must be recorded on the date they are signed. When the note is paid, interest is paid in addition to the principal amount. If the end of the accounting period occurs between the signing of a note payable and its maturity date, the matching principle requires that accrued but unpaid interest be recorded.


Define sexual harassment.

On May 24, 2024

The phrase sexual harassment was coined by Lin Farley, author of Sexual Shakedown, in the late 1970s. "Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature…" are spelled out by the EEOC guidelines as behaviors identified as sexual harassment. Sexually harassing behaviors include forced fondling, sexual slurs, and unwelcome flirting; it also includes sexually suggestive pictures or other material posted where others can see it.


The mercantilism policy failed to generate gains from trade for countries which adopted it because of:

A) increases in consumer spending.
B) high levels of federal debt.
C) supply-side shocks from the oil-exporting countries.
D) runaway inflation in the U.S.
E) retaliations from other countries.

On May 21, 2024