


Opposition from which nation forced Britain to back down in the Suez Canal crisis in 1956,bringing an end to European domination of the Middle East?

A) Israel
B) China
C) France
D) the United States
E) West Germany

On Aug 03, 2024



Thinking back to previous chapters, fully explain how the forces of the market revolution heightened the tension between freedom and slavery.

On Jul 04, 2024

The forces of the market revolution heightened the tension between freedom and slavery in several ways.

First, the market revolution led to the expansion of the cotton and textile industries in the South, which increased the demand for slave labor. This expansion of the cotton industry led to the growth of the plantation economy and the need for more slaves to work the fields. As a result, the institution of slavery became even more entrenched in the Southern economy, making it increasingly difficult to abolish.

Second, the market revolution also led to the growth of the Northern industrial economy, which relied on wage labor. This created a stark contrast between the free labor system in the North and the slave labor system in the South, further highlighting the tension between freedom and slavery.

Additionally, the market revolution brought about advancements in transportation and communication, which facilitated the spread of ideas and information about the abolitionist movement. This led to increased tensions between the North and South over the issue of slavery, as abolitionist sentiments grew stronger in the North while the South sought to protect and expand the institution of slavery.

Furthermore, the market revolution also led to the expansion of westward settlement, which intensified the debate over whether new territories would be free or slave states. This further heightened the tension between freedom and slavery, as both the North and South sought to gain political and economic power in these new territories.

In conclusion, the forces of the market revolution heightened the tension between freedom and slavery by deepening the reliance on slave labor in the South, creating a contrast between free and slave labor systems, spreading abolitionist ideas, and intensifying the debate over the expansion of slavery into new territories. These factors ultimately contributed to the growing divide between the North and South and the outbreak of the Civil War.


Authors associated with the Federal Writers Project _____________________.

A) collected and published the stories of many freed slaves
B) primarily dealt with the trials and tribulations of wealthy Americans in the works they wrote
C) had to adhere to strict language and story-line restrictions established by the Works Projects Administration
D) were usually critical of Roosevelt and the New Deal

On Jul 02, 2024



On the eve of the Civil War, approximately how much of the world's cotton supply came from the southern United States?

A) 90 percent
B) 75 percent
C) 50 percent
D) 33 percent
E) 25 percent

On Jun 04, 2024



The Gulf oil spill showed some of the benefits of deregulation.

On Jun 02, 2024



What conclusion may be drawn when comparing slavery in the English colonies to that in Spanish colonies?

A) The Spanish colonies in the sixteenth century had refused to allow slavery from the beginning.
B) By the eighteenth century, slaves in English colonies had fewer opportunities to gain their freedom.
C) The Anglican Church was more likely than the Catholic Church of Spain to demand that slaves be freed.
D) Spanish colonies banned slave marriages, whereas the English colonies were more understanding of them.
E) After Nathaniel Bacon's death, slaves in the English colonies gained more legal recourse in trying to obtain their freedom.

On Jun 01, 2024



The doors were locked at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company on the day of the fire because the owner wanted to prevent possible thefts and unwanted employee breaks.

On May 31, 2024



Which of the following statements about black housing in the North in the postwar period is LEAST accurate?

A) Official federal policy was to bar any racial discrimination in selling or renting property subsidized by federal money,but this policy was often ignored.
B) The migration of black Americans to northern cities was accompanied by the migration of white American from the cities to the suburbs.
C) The relegation of blacks to segregated ghettoes was maintained in part by the active,sometimes violent,resistance of white communities against the settling of black residents in their neighborhoods.
D) The relegation of blacks to segregated ghettos was accomplished in part by the banks' policy of redlining,which was the refusal to extend loans to prospective black homeowners.

On May 05, 2024



During Reconstruction,black churchgoers and ministers generally

A) sought to maintain an iron separation between religion and political activities.
B) fought to integrate churches and gain admittance to white-only congregations.
C) took a leading role in funding schools and providing social services.
D) abandoned evangelical denominations in large numbers.

On May 03, 2024



By the late fifteenth century, which country replaced the Italian city-states as the major European commercial partner of Asia?

A) France
B) Holland
C) England
D) Spain
E) Portugal

On May 02, 2024