


Body mass index (BMI)is a direct measure of body-fat percentage.

On Aug 01, 2024



Which term refers to the amount of energy in a food per unit of weight?

A) nutrient density
B) energy density
C) food weight
D) kilocalorie

On Jul 25, 2024



Which of these factors is LEAST common to addicted smokers?​

A) ​They find quitting to be only moderately difficult.
B) ​They are usually aware of the fact that they are smoking.
C) ​They are seldom aware of the fact that they are not smoking.
D) ​They give inaccurate estimates of the time since their last cigarette.

On Jul 18, 2024



African Americans are more likely to die from _______ than European, Hispanic, or Asian Americans.

A) homicide or septicemia
B) kidney or liver disease
C) suicide and homicide
D) diabetes and stroke

On Jun 21, 2024



Protein is made up of molecules called

A) micronutrients.
B) glucose.
C) triglycerides.
D) amino acids.

On Jun 18, 2024



Meichenbaum's stress inoculation training program is a type of​

A) ​emotional disclosure therapy.
B) ​cognitive behavioral therapy.
C) ​progressive relaxation training.
D) ​mindfulness meditation training.

On Jun 13, 2024



​Define inherent risk factors. Identify four major inherent risk factors for CVD, and summarize one or more characteristics of each.

On Jun 05, 2024

A. Inherent risk factors come from physiological and/or genetic conditions that cannot be changed readily, like advancing age, family history, gender, and ethnic background.
1. People with inherent risk factors, if identified, can minimize their overall risk profile.
2. Though they cannot control their inherent risk factors, they can control other factors like hypertension, diet, and smoking.
B. Advancing age is the primary risk factor for CVD.
1. For every 10 years older they get, older adults' chance of dying from CVD more than doubles.
a. a.e.g. men >85 are 2.7 times more likely to die of CVD than men aged 75-84, and
b. women >85 are c. 3.7 times more likely to die of CVD than women aged 75-84.
C. Family history
1. People with a history of CVD in their families are more likely to die of CVD.
2. People with a parent who had a heart attack are more likely to have a heart attack.
3. Familial risk results from the interaction of genetic and environmental factors.
D. Gender
1. Gender, albeit an inherent risk factor, is complicated by many related social and behavioral conditions.
a. Hence variation in risk for women and men may/may not be inherent.
2. Risk was similar for women and men in 1920, but a gender gap, with men dying younger from CVD than women, emerged in the mid-20th century and continues today.
3. Lifestyle accounts for much of the gender gap in CVD.
a. Men have higher rates in their youth of unhealthy lifestyle factors.
b. The great variability of gender differences in CVD deaths by country imply behavioral factors rather than inherent biological factors.
E. Ethnic background
1. African Americans have a much higher risk for CVD death than other Americans.
a. Known behavioral, economic, or social risk factors are implicated:
b. The INTERHEART Study showed CVD risk factors are the same worldwide.
2. High blood pressure is the strongest risk factor for African Americans.
a. Higher cardiac reactivity, secondary to ongoing racial discrimination experiences, is implicated in higher hypertension rates.


Muscle fitness can

A) prevent cancer.
B) improve mobility.
C) prevent infectious diseases.
D) improve your diet.

On May 25, 2024



Taylor is a 28-year-old stockbroker with a 6-year-old son. She smokes about 30 cigarettes a day and consumes about 5 to 10 alcoholic drinks during a week. Because her mother died of cancer of the esophagus at age 64, Taylor is trying to reduce her risk of cancer. Her best course of action would be to​

A) ​change jobs.
B) ​have another child.
C) ​quit smoking.
D) ​stop drinking.

On May 20, 2024



College students can increase their health literacy by​

A) ​gathering health information from the Internet.
B) ​listening to advice from their family and friends.
C) ​evaluating all the findings from health research.
D) ​visiting their primary care physicians more often.

On May 13, 2024