


The most appropriate basis for dividing partnership net income when the partners do not plan to take an active role in daily operations is

A) on a fixed ratio.
B) interest on capital balances and salaries to the partners.
C) on a ratio based on average capital balances.
D) salaries to the partners and the remainder on a fixed ratio.

On May 07, 2024



At Morgan's Transformer Rebuilding, a set of five jobs is ready for dispatching to a machine centre. The processing times and due dates for the jobs are given in the table below. Use shortest processing time to sequence the jobs, and calculate the average completion time, the average job lateness, and the average number of jobs in the machine centre.
 Job  Work Time (days)  Due Date (days)  A 1538 B 1328 C 720 D 1850 E 915\begin{array} { | c | c | c | } \hline \text { Job } & \text { Work Time (days) } & \text { Due Date (days) } \\\hline \text { A } & 15 & 38 \\\hline \text { B } & 13 & 28 \\\hline \text { C } & 7 & 20 \\\hline \text { D } & 18 & 50 \\\hline \text { E } & 9 & 15 \\\hline\end{array} Job  A  B  C  D  E  Work Time (days) 15137189 Due Date (days) 3828205015

On May 07, 2024

The optimal sequence is C-E-B-A-D. The average completion time is 31.6 days. The average lateness is 4 days. The average jobs in system is 2.548. Details appear in the table below.
 SPT ‾ Time  Due  Date  Slack  Flow time  Late days C7201370E9156161B132815291A153823446D1850326212 Total 15820 Average 31.64\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|}\hline\underline{\text { SPT }} & \text { Time } & \frac{\text { Due }}{\text { Date }} & \text { Slack } & \text { Flow time } & \text { Late days } \\\hline \mathrm{C} & 7 & 20 & 13 & 7 & 0\\\hline \mathrm{E} & 9 & 15 & 6 & 16 & 1 \\\hline \mathrm{B} & 13 & 28 & 15 & 29 & 1 \\\hline \mathrm{A} & 15 & 38 & 23 & 44 & 6 \\\hline \mathrm{D} & 18 & 50 & 32 & 62 & 12 \\\hline & & & \text { Total } & 158 & 20 \\\hline & & & \text { Average } & 31.6 & 4 \\\hline\end{array} SPT CEBAD Time 79131518 Date  Due 2015283850 Slack 136152332 Total  Average  Flow time 71629446215831.6 Late days 011612204 Average number of jobs in system: 2.548


Discuss how the principles of internal control apply to cash receipts through the mail by giving several examples of good control measures that should be implemented.

On May 06, 2024

Internal control principles as applied to cash receipts should ensure that all cash received is properly recorded and deposited.Control of cash receipts generated through the mail starts with the person who opens the mail.Responsibilities for receipt of cash receipts through the mail should include two people who are assigned to open mail and prepare a list in triplicate that includes the sender's name,amount,and explanation for the payment.One copy of the list is sent to the cashier,a second copy to the recordkeeper in the accounting area,and a third copy is kept by the clerks who opened the mail.The cashier deposits the money in the bank,and the recordkeeper records amounts received in the accounting records.This meets the internal control principles of establishing responsibilities and dividing responsibility for related transactions.