


Mr. Gordon, who is suffering from depression, approaches a social worker to seek counseling. While Mr. Gordon speaks about his traumatic childhood experiences, the social worker squirms in her chair and continuously fidgets with her hands. This behavior of the social worker conveys:

A) ​her interest in the ongoing communication.
B) ​her lack of concern for Mr. Gordon.
C) ​her inability to understand Mr. Gordon's behavioral cue.
D) ​her attempt to relieve Mr. Gordon's discomfort.

On Jun 08, 2024



Functional behaviors displayed by members in a treatment group:​

A) ​erode the capacities of other members.
B) ​fluctuate and are never constant.
C) ​enhance the well-being of individual members at the cost of hampering group goals.
D) ​enhance the quality of group relationships.

On Jun 01, 2024



Marcella is a 32-year-old nurse practitioner who is seeking treatment with you after her brother was killed in a car accident.She was both saddened by his tragic death and feels a smug sense of vindication because she believes that he has finally been punished for sexually abusing her when she was 12.Marcella did not seek treatment at the time of her abuse and cut herself to cope with the pain.She has begun cutting again after the death of her brother.In solution-focused therapy,what might be an initial phase counseling task in working with Marcella?

A) Reduce symptoms of grief.
B) Increase coping skills.
C) Reduce feelings of vindication.
D) Build rapport by identifying strengths and resources.

On May 08, 2024



Describe the relevance of culture and social class in social work assessments.

On May 02, 2024

Answers may vary. Ethnocultural factors influence what kinds of problems people experience, how they feel about requesting assistance, how they communicate, how they perceive the role of the professional, and how they view various approaches to solving problems. It is therefore vital that you be knowledgeable about these factors and competent in responding to them. A social worker's assessment of a clients' life situations, needs, and strengths must be viewed through the lens of cultural competence. For example, a person immigrating from another country may display psychological distress that is directly related to the migration or refugee experience. Beyond this consideration, a social worker who understands the ramifications of immigration would need to be sensitive to the complications that may arise for refugees or others whose immigration was made under forced or dire circumstances. Professionals must possess cultural sensitivity and the capacity to take many perspectives when viewing clients' situations and drawing conclusions about them.