


Discuss the types of tensions in cross-cultural relationships.

On Aug 01, 2024

Answers may vary. Yan (2008), based on research findings, has developed a typology of the tensions in cross-cultural relationships. The types of tensions are as follows:
Type 1 relates to the tensions between the cultures of social work clients, the dominant culture, and the culture of the organization in which the service is delivered.
Type 2 pertains to differences between the culture of the social worker, the organization's culture, and the culture of clients.
Although we all seek to have a collective identity and to minimize differences, in reality, in U.S. society, social interactions and professional relationships remain configured around assumptions of sameness, including social class.


A client is likely to discredit the message communicated by the social worker if:

A) ​the social worker uses facilitative questions to attain detailed information about specific problem areas.
B) ​there is a discrepancy between the social worker's verbal and nonverbal communication.
C) ​there is moment-to-moment contact between the client and the social worker.
D) ​the social worker uses empathic communication to produce a cathartic release of negative feelings.

On Jul 12, 2024



To enhance the likelihood that group members in a treatment group adhere to group guidelines, it is important to:​

A) ​brainstorm possible guidelines with group members.
B) ​discuss group guidelines only superficially.
C) ​threaten the members with the fear of expulsion if they violate the guidelines.
D) ​communicate that all the guidelines are nonnegotiable.

On Jun 17, 2024



Discuss the concepts of functional and dysfunctional behaviors. How can a group leader help group members in a treatment group become aware of their patterned behavior?

On Jun 15, 2024

Answers may vary. Some of the patterned behaviors that group members display are functional-that is, they enhance the well-being of individual members and the quality of group relationships. Other patterned behaviors are dysfunctional-that is, they erode the capacities of members and are destructive to relationships and group cohesion. A major role of leaders in groups, then, is to help members become aware of their patterned behavioral responses, determine the effects of these responses on themselves and others, and choose whether to change such responses. To carry out this role, leaders must formulate a profile of the recurring responses of each member, utilizing the concepts of content and process. Content refers to verbal statements and related topics that members discuss, whereas process involves the ways members relate or behave as they interact in the group and discuss content.


Systemic counselors believe that the symptoms clients present within counseling are ___________________.

A) dysfunctional
B) homeostatic
C) related to systemic dynamics
D) abnormal

On Jun 11, 2024



A(n) _____ should have members who possess the skills and resources required to accomplish an undertaking successfully.​

A) ​single-session group
B) ​subgroup within a working group
C) ​task group with a specific purpose
D) ​open-ended group

On Jun 09, 2024



Describe the I-Thou relationship.

On Jun 08, 2024

The I-Thou relationship, as proposed by philosopher Martin Buber, is a concept that emphasizes the importance of genuine, authentic, and mutual connections between individuals. In this relationship, each person acknowledges the full humanity of the other and engages in an open, honest, and respectful dialogue. It is a relationship characterized by deep empathy, understanding, and a sense of interconnectedness.

In the I-Thou relationship, individuals are fully present with one another, seeking to understand the other person's perspective and experiences without judgment or preconceived notions. It is a relationship based on equality and a recognition of the inherent worth and dignity of each person.

This concept stands in contrast to the I-It relationship, where individuals are seen as objects or means to an end, rather than as fully realized human beings. In the I-Thou relationship, there is a genuine desire to connect on a deeper level and to foster a sense of mutual care and concern.

Overall, the I-Thou relationship is a powerful and transformative way of relating to others, emphasizing the importance of truly seeing and honoring the humanity in each person we encounter. It encourages us to engage in meaningful and authentic interactions, fostering a sense of connection, empathy, and understanding.


In Narrative Counseling,the counselor helps clients create more balanced descriptions of the events of their lives to enable clients to build more accurate and appreciative descriptions of themselves and others.This process is referred to as:

A) Enacting Preferred Narratives
B) Meeting the Person
C) Thickening Descriptions
D) Separating Persons from Problems

On May 17, 2024



Stage Four in the Kubler-Ross model of grief is

A) denial.
B) rage and anger.
C) bargaining.
D) depression.

On May 14, 2024



When a worker establishes relationships with diverse clients in which both the worker and the clients feel free and are expected to share relevant beliefs and values about key service issues, the worker has established a

A) requirement of mourning.
B) pilgrimage of culture.
C) posture of reciprocity.
D) realistic relationship.

On May 12, 2024