


A pie chart is a portrayal of divisions of some aggregate by a segmented circle in such a way that the sector areas are proportional to the sized of the divisions in question.

On Jul 10, 2024



Express the following ratio in its lowest terms:
98:34:32\frac{9}{8}: \frac{3}{4}: \frac{3}{2}89:43:23

On Jul 06, 2024

3: 2: 4


{Life Expectancy Narrative} Is there enough evidence at the 5% significance level to infer that the cholesterol level and the age at death are negatively linearly related?

On Jun 07, 2024

  Rejection region: t < −t<sub>0.05,36</sub>≈−1.69 Test statistic: t = −1.909 Conclusion: Reject the null hypothesis.Yes,there enough evidence at the 5% significance level to infer that the cholesterol level and the age at death are negatively linearly related. Rejection region: t < −t0.05,36≈−1.69 Test statistic: t = −1.909 Conclusion: Reject the null hypothesis.Yes,there enough evidence at the 5% significance level to infer that the cholesterol level and the age at death are negatively linearly related.


What approaches would be best for explaining scholarly research to other researchers in the same interest area?

On Jun 06, 2024

Answers will vary, but will likely discuss scholarly publications and academic conferences as potential outlets for disseminating research to researchers in the same interest area.


Write the equation x−3y+6=0x - 3 y + 6 = 0x3y+6=0 in slope-intercept form.

A) y=−13x+2y = - \frac { 1 } { 3 } x + 2y=31x+2
B) y=13x+2y = \frac { 1 } { 3 } x + 2y=31x+2
C) y=−3x−2y = - 3 x - 2y=3x2
D) y=3x−2y = 3 x - 2y=3x2
E) y=−3x+2y = - 3 x + 2y=3x+2

On May 08, 2024



As of Brice's 54th birthday, he has accumulated $154,000 in his Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP). What size of end-of-month payments in a 20-year annuity will these funds purchase at age 65 if he makes no further contributions? Assume that his RRSP and the investment in the annuity will earn 8.25% compounded monthly.

On May 07, 2024



Solve u2−16u=0u ^ { 2 } - 16 u = 0u216u=0 by completing the square.

A) u=−16u = - 16u=16
B) u=0,u=−16u = 0 , u = - 16u=0,u=16
C) u=0,u=16u = 0 , u = 16u=0,u=16
D) u=1,u=16u = 1 , u = 16u=1,u=16
E) u=80,u=−48u = 80 , u = - 48u=80,u=48

On May 06, 2024



For each of the following random variables,indicate whether the variable is discrete or continuous,and specify the possible values that it can assume.
a.X = the number of traffic accidents in Albuquerque on a given day.
b.X = the amount of weight lost in a month by a randomly selected dieter.
c.X = the average number of children per family in a random sample of 175 families.
d.X = the number of households out of 10 surveyed that own a convection oven.
e.X = the time in minutes required to obtain service in a restaurant.

On May 04, 2024

a. discrete; x = 0,1,2,3,...
b. continuous; −∞ < x < ∞
c. continuous; x ≥ 0
d. discrete; x = 0,1,2,...,10
e. continuous; x > 0


A client, age 25, is considering purchasing a 20-payment life policy with annual payments. He wants to know how much more he will have paid the insurance company in premiums per $1,000 coverage during the 20-year period than he can borrow on the policy at the end of the 20 years. Compute how much more the client will have to pay per thousand. Refer to Tables 12-1 and 12-2. (1 year = 12 months.)​

On May 02, 2024

$72 per thousand more