


Suppose we want to find an event that will serve as an effective reinforcer for a given person. According to the disequilibrium principle, we should begin by determining

A) which brain areas are more active than average for this person.
B) which other people this person admires and wants to resemble.
C) how old this person is, and how old are his or her friends.
D) which behaviors the person has recently not had an opportunity to do.

On Jul 11, 2024



Catatonia is characterized by

A) periods of immobility or senseless,compulsive actions,such as continually rocking,or rubbing an arm.
B) offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person.
C) voices making insulting remarks.
D) delusions of persecution.

On Jul 05, 2024



Which type of memory was least impaired in patient H.M.?

A) procedural
B) episodic
C) explicit
D) declarative

On Jun 08, 2024



Which of the following statements is true about the trait approach?

A) No major schools of psychotherapy have evolved from the trait approach.
B) The trait approach is the best approach for predicting change in personality.
C) Most trait researchers do not focus on predicting behavior.
D) Trait theorists place emphasis on identifying the mechanisms that determine behavior.

On Jun 05, 2024



Abraham Maslow links chronological age to adult development in his hierarchy of needs.

On May 09, 2024



The choice of appropriate fillers for a lineup is very important because it can influence both the accuracy of witnesses' identifications and ____.

A) their attitudes toward the crime
B) the effects of post-identification feedback
C) their confidence that the identification is accurate
D) the system variables used to conduct the lineup

On May 05, 2024



Select two sociological approaches to disability (functionalism,conflict,symbolic interactionism,feminism,post-structuralist)and compare and contrast them.Give at least one example for each approach in your answer.

On May 02, 2024

Answers will vary by student.
The functionalist perspective on disabilities is typified by Talcott Parsons's concept of the sick role.The sick role is a patterned social role that defines the behaviour that is appropriate for and expected of those who are sick.In this way,it is similar to all other social roles (e.g. ,student,mother)that include certain rights and responsibilities.Those who are sick are temporarily exempt from usual role expectations (e.g. ,they can miss shifts at work)and generally are not seen as being responsible for being ill.Conversely,those who are sick are expected to want to get better,to seek out competent experts to help them recover,and to comply with these experts' recommendations.Functionalists would assert,then,that the sick role reinforces society's desire to give people time to recover while accentuating the need to seek professional help and to return to the roles they possessed before they became ill.
Conflict: People with disabilities have higher rates of unemployment and low income than do people without disabilities.Moreover,many people with disabilities need specialized equipment (e.g. ,wheelchairs,hearing aids)that they may not be able to afford.For conflict theorists,these facts underscore that economic inequality affects people with disabilities differently.
Symbolic interactionists often focus on how labelling can have consequences for how people with disabilities are viewed and for how they view themselves.Consider the use of disabilities in a metaphorical,and usually disparaging,way.For example,to say that someone is "deaf or blind to the facts" or that "a strike has crippled production" is to use a disability as a negative stereotype.
The feminist perspective on disability emphasizes that our perceptions of what constitutes a disability are socially constructed in the same way that gender is.Feminists believe that by looking beyond a narrow definition of disability,one can begin to undertake a broad sociopolitical critique of systematic and binary opposition of abled/disabled and healthy/ill in the same manner as feminists have studied the binary oppositions of masculine/feminine and powerful/weak.
Post-structuralist theory has been instrumental in critiquing the notion of disability in that it challenges normative definitions of social order and individual identity.Post-structuralists investigate how the concept of the body is constructed and deconstructed through individual and social interactions.By reinforcing what is considered "normal," society develops a more narrow definition of what is acceptable.People with physical or mental disabilities are seen as even further from the ideal and therefore as less worthy of attention or concern.