


Suicide prevention, substance abuse treatment, and eating disorder clinics are MOST similar to which kind of market?

A) Whole Foods, a large market that offers many different types of foods
B) Sweet Cupcakes, a store that specializes in only one type of food
C) Corner Market, a mom-and-pop store that carries rather old-fashioned foods
D) New York Deli, a high-end market that serves only the wealthy

On Aug 01, 2024



An individual has been diagnosed with a dissociative disorder. However, the individual has very good recall of previous life events and has a strong sense of self. The MOST likely diagnosis for this individual is:

A) dissociative amnesia.
B) dissociative identity disorder.
C) dissociative fugue.
D) depersonalization disorder.

On Jul 06, 2024



Examine the factors that influence the college transition for emerging adults.

On Jul 02, 2024

The college transition for emerging adults is influenced by a variety of factors. These can include personal factors such as individual motivation, readiness for independence, and emotional maturity. Additionally, family support and financial resources can play a significant role in how smoothly a young adult transitions to college life.

Social factors, such as peer influence and the availability of support networks, also impact the college transition. For some emerging adults, the transition to college may be influenced by cultural or societal expectations, particularly for first-generation college students or those from underrepresented backgrounds.

Academic factors, such as the rigor of the college curriculum and the level of academic preparedness, can also influence the transition to college for emerging adults. Additionally, the availability of academic support services and resources can impact a student's ability to navigate the challenges of college life.

Overall, the college transition for emerging adults is a complex process that is influenced by a combination of personal, social, and academic factors. Understanding and addressing these influences can help support emerging adults as they navigate this important life transition.


The most common, and highly successful, therapy for phobia relies on

A) understanding the unconscious motivations behind the fear.
B) explaining to the person why the fear is irrational.
C) punishing the person for any attempt to avoid the object.
D) gradual exposure to the feared object.

On Jun 05, 2024



In normal aging, physiological processes decline slowly with age and the person is able to enjoy many years of health and vitality into late adulthood.

On Jun 02, 2024



Bruce wants to be a loving husband but at the same time wants to express his disgust for some of his wife's habits.According to Freud,Bruce's ________ might enable him to partially satisfy both desires.

A) collective unconscious
B) superego
C) Oedipus complex
D) ego

On May 05, 2024



Which statement does not reflect the homogenization of culture?

A) We run the risk of losing cultural diversity.
B) Cultural practices lie at the heart of globalization.
C) Cultures tend to become more indigenized.
D) Globalization has facilitated the rise of an increasingly homogenized global culture dominated by the Anglo-American value system.

On May 02, 2024