


Identify and discuss five tips that can help you use the phone confidently and professionally.

On Jul 04, 2024

When you're using the phone at work,you have to rely on your attitude and tone of voice to convey confidence and professionalism.Here are some tips that can help: Be conscious of how your voice sounds.Avoid monotone; vary your pitch and inflections.Slow down when talking with people whose native language isn't the same as yours.Be courteous when you call someone.Identify yourself and your organization,briefly explain why you're calling,verify that you've called at a good time,and minimize the noise level in your environment.Convey a positive,professional attitude when you answer the phone.Answer promptly (with a smile),and identify yourself and your company.Determine the caller's needs by asking,"How may I help you?" If you can't answer the caller's questions,forward the call to a colleague who can or tell the caller how to get his or her questions resolved.If you plan to forward a call,put the caller on hold and verify that the colleague is available.Close in a positive manner and double-check all vital information.Use your own voicemail features to help callers.Record a brief,professional-sounding outgoing message for regular use.When you'll be away from the phone for an extended period,record a temporary greeting that tells callers when you'll respond to messages.If you don't check your messages regularly or at all,disable your voicemail.Be considerate when leaving voicemail messages.Unless voicemail is the best or only choice,consider leaving a message through other means,such as text messaging or email.If you leave a voicemail,keep it brief: your name,number,reason for calling,and times you can be reached.


Economics is best defined as the study of how individuals decide to use limited resources in an attempt to satisfy unlimited wants.

On Jul 02, 2024



In the decline stage of the industry life cycle,

A) the product may have reached obsolescence.
B) the industry will grow at a rate less than the overall economy.
C) the industry may experience negative growth.
D) the product may have reached obsolescence, and the industry will grow at a rate less than the overall economy.
E) the product may have reached obsolescence, the industry will grow at a rate less than the overall economy, and the industry may experience negative growth.

On Jun 04, 2024



The Molding Department of Kennett Company has the following production data: beginning work in process 25000 units (60% complete) started into production 475000 units completed and transferred out 450000 units and ending work in process 50000 units (40% complete) . Assuming conversion costs are incurred uniformly during the process the equivalent units for conversion costs are:

A) 500000.
B) 455000.
C) 470000.
D) 450000.

On Jun 01, 2024



The interest rate expressed in terms of the interest payment made each period is called the compound interest rate:

On May 05, 2024



A Pigouvian subsidy is:

A) designed to discourage activities generating externalities.
B) designed to encourage activities generating external benefits.
C) appropriate when the marginal social cost curve is above the marginal cost of production curve.
D) appropriate when the marginal social cost curve and the marginal social benefit curve intersect at an inefficient level.

On May 02, 2024