


Which social and demographic groups would you predict might support the rights of universal citizenship,and which do you think would oppose them?

On Jul 25, 2024

I would predict that younger generations, particularly millennials and Gen Z, would be more likely to support the rights of universal citizenship. These groups tend to be more globally minded and open to diversity and inclusion. Additionally, individuals with higher levels of education and those living in urban areas may also be more supportive, as they are more likely to have been exposed to diverse cultures and perspectives.

On the other hand, older generations, particularly baby boomers and Gen X, may be more likely to oppose the rights of universal citizenship. This could be due to a more traditional mindset and a fear of change or loss of cultural identity. Additionally, individuals with lower levels of education and those living in rural areas may also be more resistant, as they may have less exposure to diverse cultures and may feel more threatened by the idea of universal citizenship. Additionally, those who have experienced economic hardship or job insecurity may also be more likely to oppose universal citizenship, as they may fear increased competition for resources and opportunities.


The idea that society is organized in layers or strata is called:

A) sociology
B) social stratification
C) social organization
D) social interaction
E) social archeology

On Jul 18, 2024



Durkheim conceptualized social facts as

A) One's personal drives and motivations.
B) social patterns that are external to individuals.
C) society as the sum of its parts.
D) the direct outgrowth of our biological drives.

On Jul 10, 2024



According to ethnomethodologists, self-confidence is a conversational procedure that people do or engage in.

On Jul 08, 2024



To phenomenological sociologists,the official statistics are seriously unreliable.

On Jul 03, 2024



Two sociologists studying a new religious movement are concerned that their interpretations are consistent.This concern is with:

A) variability
B) hypotheses
C) validity
D) operationalization
E) reliability

On Jun 18, 2024



According to Brown and Jones, political scientists and media stories have typically regarded Blacks and Latinos as_____.

A) strong political actors
B) interested in assimilation
C) adversaries in competition for resources
D) sharing a common interest in resisting white supremacy

On Jun 08, 2024



Parenting teenagers adds to marital role strain but doesn't necessarily cause it.

On Jun 06, 2024



Is culture a predominantly liberating or a predominantly constraining influence in your life? Explain your answer.

On Jun 05, 2024

Culture can be both a liberating and a constraining influence in my life. On one hand, my cultural background provides me with a sense of identity, belonging, and connection to my community. It gives me a sense of pride in my heritage and allows me to celebrate and preserve traditions and customs that are meaningful to me. This aspect of culture is liberating as it allows me to express myself and connect with others who share similar values and beliefs.

On the other hand, culture can also be constraining as it may impose certain expectations, norms, and limitations on me. There may be societal pressures to conform to certain gender roles, career paths, or lifestyle choices that may not align with my personal aspirations and values. This can create a sense of restriction and hinder my ability to fully express myself and pursue my own path in life.

Overall, while culture provides me with a sense of belonging and identity, it also presents challenges and limitations that can be constraining. It is important for me to navigate and negotiate these influences in order to find a balance between honoring my cultural heritage and living authentically according to my own values and aspirations.


According to Bonilla-Silva, the key to successfully challenging a tri-racial system will be_____.

A) reminding "honorary Whites" that their status is dependent upon Whites' wishes and practices
B) leveraging economic power to convince elites that dismantling the racial system is profitable
C) eliminating race as a variable of difference
D) convincing elite Whites to recognize the injustice of White supremacy

On Jun 03, 2024