


What makes online engagement and activism, including the creation of successful hashtags, a meaningful form of democratic participation? What are the limits to Internet activism, and how do Black feminist activists work to use the Internet to full advantage?

On May 09, 2024

Online engagement and activism, including the creation of successful hashtags, is a meaningful form of democratic participation because it allows individuals to connect and mobilize around important social and political issues regardless of their physical location. It provides a platform for marginalized voices to be heard and for collective action to be organized. Successful hashtags can amplify specific issues and bring attention to them on a global scale, leading to real-world impact and change.

However, there are limits to Internet activism. While it can raise awareness and mobilize people, it may not always translate into tangible, long-term change. There is also the risk of online activism being performative or superficial, without leading to meaningful action or systemic change. Additionally, not everyone has equal access to the Internet, which can limit the inclusivity of online activism.

Black feminist activists work to use the Internet to full advantage by leveraging social media platforms to amplify their voices and connect with like-minded individuals. They use hashtags to bring attention to issues affecting Black women and other marginalized communities, and to build solidarity and support networks. Black feminist activists also use the Internet to share resources, educate others, and organize grassroots movements. By utilizing the Internet, they are able to challenge dominant narratives, raise awareness about intersectional issues, and advocate for meaningful change within their communities and beyond. Overall, Black feminist activists harness the power of the Internet to create meaningful and impactful change in the pursuit of social justice and equality.


What is a caste system?

On May 07, 2024

A caste system is an almost pure ascription-based stratification system in which occupation and marriage partners are assigned on the basis of caste membership.


According to the textbook, which of the following is NOT true in reference to marriages and cohabitation?

A) Married couples are contractually bound whereas cohabiting couples are not.
B) Cohabiting couples have a large and supportive kinship network whereas married couples are restricted to a smaller network of family members.
C) Marriage is a social institution whereas cohabitation is not.
D) Cohabiting couples face fewer penalties for ending their relationship than do married couples.

On May 06, 2024



Which of the following seems to make people, in general, more likely to define a group as a family?

A) the size of the group in question
B) the presence of children
C) the ages of group members
D) the socioeconomic class of the people involved

On May 05, 2024



Kyle and Ashley are married with one child, and both work full-time at a medical practice they share with three other doctors. What type of family is exemplified here?

A) the nuclear family
B) the traditional nuclear family
C) the extended family
D) the patriarchal family

On May 03, 2024



Thomas Jefferson freed all of his slaves in his will.

On May 02, 2024
