


The __________ robber is the most likely to get caught.

On Jul 23, 2024



According to critical theorists, _____ refers to the premise that no aspect of social life can be separated from the other parts of social reality.

A) totality
B) synchronicity
C) authentication
D) diachronic

On Jul 10, 2024



How do fast-food restaurants rationalize the process of providing food to customers, according to Robin Leidner in Fast Food, Fast Talk?

A) They ask employees to always use customers' first names.
B) They tailor each workstation to an employee's unique personal qualities.
C) They focus on giving each customer a unique eating experience.
D) They developed standardized scripts for employees to use when dealing with customers.

On Jul 08, 2024



According to ____ theory,interacting people always try to maximize benefits and minimize cost.

A) exchange
B) symbolic interactionism
C) norm of reciprocity
D) rational choice
E) dramaturgical analysis

On Jul 05, 2024



Most young Canadians have been brought up in a culture influenced by which of the following streams of feminism?

A) liberal feminism
B) radical feminism
C) Marxist feminism
D) postmodernist feminism

On Jul 03, 2024



While much psychological research has focused on development processes and socio- emotional outcomes for children of same-sex parents, sociological research has grappled more with how social institutions such as schools and legal systems shape lesbian and gay families and how LGBT families construct the meaning of family. What do these research emphases reveal about disciplinary perspectives in each field?

On Jun 07, 2024

The research emphases in psychology and sociology reveal the disciplinary perspectives in each field. In psychology, the focus on development processes and socio-emotional outcomes for children of same-sex parents reflects a more individual and psychological perspective. This emphasis suggests a concern with understanding the impact of family structure on the well-being of children and the psychological processes involved in their development.

On the other hand, the sociological research emphasis on how social institutions and legal systems shape lesbian and gay families, as well as how LGBT families construct the meaning of family, reflects a broader societal and cultural perspective. This emphasis suggests a concern with understanding the larger social and institutional forces that influence the experiences and construction of family for LGBT individuals and families.

Overall, the research emphases in psychology and sociology reveal the different disciplinary perspectives in each field, with psychology focusing more on individual and psychological processes, and sociology focusing more on societal and cultural influences.


What is the relationship between educational test scores (e.g., SAT and ACT) and social class?

A) There is no relationship between educational test scores and income.
B) As average family income goes up, so do SAT scores.
C) SAT scores are unpredictable, regardless of parents' social class and income.
D) Social class does not have much effect on SAT and ACT scores.

On Jun 06, 2024



Lulabelle is a job coach for a county social services department. Stella, age 19, is one of Lulabelle's clients. Stella emphasizes that she would like to get a clerical job like a secretary or administrative assistant. Stella says she's generally shy with people and would like a job where she could work in a more solitary manner. Stella states she has always been good at typing.  Lulabelle knows that Stella never graduated from high school. She can't believe that Stella's typing or writing skills are anywhere near adequate for such a position. Therefore, Lulabelle decides not to inform Stella about available clerical alternatives. Rather, she steers Stella to think about becoming a sales clerk. This is the ethical thing to do.

On Jun 05, 2024



Marilyn goes to the mall to buy a few things because she is feeling depressed and she knows that purchasing a few nice things will make her feel better. What is Marilyn engaged in?

A) rationalization
B) cultural diffusion
C) consumerism
D) production

On Jun 03, 2024



Every time he spends semester breaks at home, Sam's very traditional mother asks when she will be able to tell their large extended family there will soon be a wedding. Sam, who is extremely busy with schoolwork and isn't all that socially active, sometimes wonders as well. He very much wants to get married and have a family. One thing Sam should keep in mind is that

A) attraction to others is not subject to scientific prediction.
B) absence makes the heart grow fonder; we tend to find those who live farther away from us more attractive.
C) close proximity is one of the determinants of attraction between people.
D) people tend to fear too much personal disclosure when communicating online.

On May 08, 2024