


Which of the following best describes constructive feedback?

A) Truthful,fair,not given as a personal attack
B) Supportive,untimely,critical appreciation
C) Clear,biased,no reference to improvement
D) Subjective,personal,general solution

On Jul 06, 2024



Develop a feedback script to present to an employee or teammate on recent performance or behavior.Dissect your script to show how it incorporates all the characteristics of effective feedback.

On Jul 01, 2024

Answers should provide examples to illustrate the following characteristics:
-Specific rather than general
-Work related
-Descriptive and controlled by the recipient
-Non-prescriptive and non-judgmental
-Timely -time appropriate
-Frequent -on going
-Purposeful -focused on limited topics
-Constructive and balanced between positive and negative
-Appropriate place
-Interactive two-way interchange


When Arman and Roger discuss what issues in their relationship are acceptable to discuss in front of friends and which are acceptable only to discuss between themselves,they are engaging in __________.

A) impersonal communication
B) metacommunication
C) content communication
D) asynchronous communication

On Jun 04, 2024



Which of the following should a speaker avoid when making a presentation?

A) Preparing and rehearsing in advance
B) Beginning with a joke
C) Summarizing the content
D) Researching the intended audience

On Jun 01, 2024



Tony has been secretly in love with Janessa for about two years.They are good friends,but Tony wants to move things to a more romantic level.When he talks to Janessa about his feelings,she firmly tells him that she is only interested in friendship.Tony's feelings in this situation can be described as __________.

A) unrequited romantic interest
B) eros
C) mania
D) dating expectations

On May 05, 2024



Explain symbolic interaction theory and its relevance to the study of interpersonal communication.

On May 02, 2024

-Symbolic interaction theory suggests that a society is bound together by the common use of symbols.This helps us understand how societies and groups are linked together.
-These symbols make the world understandable and help provide common ground for people.
-Common symbols foster links in understanding and can lead to satisfying relationships.
-Not surprisingly,the more similar the cultures of the communication partners,the greater the chance for a meeting of meanings.
-With that said,even within a given culture,it is possible for people to misunderstand each other's messages.
-In short,we both construct and maintain our "worlds" through the use of symbols,and it is our use of these symbols that gives meaning to our relationships.