


In the early 1900s in Britain,women and poorer workers succeeded in achieving the same rights of political citizenship as men.

On Jul 25, 2024



How does religion contribute to the development of children's identities and shape not only their religious beliefs but also their entire worldviews?

On Jul 09, 2024

Religion plays a significant role in shaping children's identities and worldviews. From a young age, children are exposed to religious teachings, rituals, and traditions that help form their understanding of the world and their place in it. These teachings often emphasize moral values, ethical principles, and a sense of community, which can have a profound impact on a child's development.

Religion also provides children with a framework for understanding complex concepts such as life, death, and the meaning of existence. This can help them make sense of the world around them and provide a sense of comfort and security in times of uncertainty.

Furthermore, religious beliefs and practices often shape a child's sense of morality and guide their decision-making processes. This can influence their behavior, relationships, and overall outlook on life.

Additionally, religion can also contribute to a child's sense of belonging and identity within their community. By participating in religious ceremonies, events, and gatherings, children develop a sense of connection to their religious community and a shared set of values and beliefs.

Overall, religion can have a profound impact on the development of children's identities and worldviews, shaping not only their religious beliefs but also their moral compass, sense of purpose, and connection to their community.


Which type of status do we assume involuntarily?

A) Professional status
B) Role status
C) Ascribed status
D) Identity status
E) Projected status

On Jul 08, 2024



According to George Herbert Mead, the _____ is an abstracted individual that embodies the expectations of our community and society more generally that is useful to relatively assess the self.

A) the generalized other
B) the I
C) the me
D) the looking-glass self

On Jul 06, 2024



Using an example, explain what a reference group is.

On Jul 05, 2024

A reference group is a social group that an individual uses as a standard for evaluating themselves and their own behavior. Reference groups can be groups that an individual is a member of or aspires to join, or they can be groups that the individual compares themselves against. These groups influence an individual's attitudes, beliefs, and behavior, often serving as a benchmark for social comparison.

For example, let's consider a college student named Alex who is majoring in environmental science. Alex's reference group might include fellow environmental science majors, professors in the field, and professional environmental activists. This group serves as a standard against which Alex measures their academic performance, career aspirations, and lifestyle choices. If the members of this reference group are actively engaged in sustainability practices, such as reducing waste, advocating for environmental policies, and participating in conservation efforts, Alex is likely to adopt similar behaviors and attitudes to align with the group's norms and values.

In this case, the reference group provides a source of inspiration, guidance, and social validation for Alex. It helps shape Alex's identity as an environmentalist and influences the decisions they make, such as choosing to volunteer for a local conservation project or pursuing an internship with an environmental organization. The reference group also serves as a point of comparison, as Alex might evaluate their own achievements and contributions in relation to the accomplishments of the group's members.

Reference groups are not limited to positive influences; they can also lead to negative behaviors if the group's norms are harmful or unethical. Additionally, individuals may belong to multiple reference groups simultaneously, each influencing different aspects of their lives, such as professional goals, personal interests, or lifestyle choices.


What percentage of families consisted of a married couple with a male breadwinner, a stay-at-home mom, and their children as of 2012?

A) less than 25 percent
B) 30 percent
C) 35 percent
D) more than 40 percent

On Jun 09, 2024



In India,society was divided into ____.

A) social classes
B) castes
C) occupation groups
D) divisions
E) none of these choices

On Jun 08, 2024



Most gay men are involved in long-term relationships characterized by power equality between partners.

On Jun 06, 2024



A(n) _____ is described in the text as an instrument composed of 30 items that measure an individual's assertiveness.

A) Social Interaction Graph
B) Assertiveness/Nonassertiveness Scale
C) Princeton Interpersonal Communication Test
D) Rathus Assertiveness Schedule

On Jun 05, 2024



The majority of appointed U.S. Treasury secretaries have been either former partners or managers of Goldman Sachs, which is a global investment management firm. Sociologists would argue that this overlap between private business and the federal government is an example of

A) pluralism.
B) authoritarianism.
C) totalitarianism.
D) the power elite.

On Jun 03, 2024