


According to Zaccaro,principled leadership influences team effectiveness through these processes: ______.

A) supporting, controlling, delegating, and directing
B) cognitive, motivational, affective, and coordinational
C) forming, storming, norming, and performing
D) technical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and empathetical

On Jul 03, 2024



Charlie has the utility function U(xA, xB)  xAxB.His indifference curve passing through 6 apples and 16 bananas will also pass through the point where he consumes 2 apples and

A) 12 bananas.
B) 24 bananas.
C) 50 bananas.
D) 54 bananas.
E) 48 bananas.

On Jul 02, 2024



The answer to the question,"What are the different ways I can reach my customer?" will result in which component of the BMC?

A) customer segments
B) channels
C) value proposition
D) customer segments.

On Jun 03, 2024



The psychological contract can influence newcomers' socialization.

On Jun 02, 2024



Which of the following statements about interests is true?

A) There is only one type of interest in a dispute.
B) Parties are always in agreement about the type of interests at stake.
C) Interests are often based in more deeply rooted human needs or values.
D) Interests do not change during the course of an integrative negotiation.
E) All of the above statements about interests are true.

On May 03, 2024



In the context of protecting intellectual property, briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of trade secrets.

On May 02, 2024

Answers will vary. The primary advantage of having a trade secret is that disclosure is not required, as with, for instance, a patent application. A second advantage is that there are no filing costs; the company merely needs to keep the information secure. Finally, unlike patents, trade secrets have no time limit. They last as long as the information remains secure.
The primary disadvantage of trade secrets is that they often don't stay secret for very long if the company has a tangible product. Competitors can simply purchase and reverse engineer the product to discover how it is made. For instance, tobacco companies have reverse-engineered competitor's changes in design and ingredients in at least 100 cases. Moreover, competitors can patent the trade secret once they discover it, locking the original company out of its own invention. Finally, because trade secrets are not officially recognized, legal remedies are difficult to find once secrets have been breached.
The section "Trade Secrets" on page 226 discusses trade secrets and its advantages and disadvantages. Students can use this section to make their own interpretation and answer this question.