


Which of the following statements applies to cost volume profit and sensitivity analysis?
i. Only one variable is changed.
ii. All variables are changed.
iii. One or more variables are changed.
iv. Only one set of variables need be assessed.

A) i
B) ii
C) iii
D) iv

On Jun 01, 2024



Insufficient financing implies

A) not taking the time to consolidate a position, fine-tune the organization, and systematically meet the challenges of growth.
B) not having enough money available to maintain operations while still building the business and gaining access to customers and markets.
C) not having expertise in the essentials of business operations, including finance.
D) not keeping track of the numbers, and failure to keep business finances to best advantage.
E) not making the best use of existing monies.

On Jun 01, 2024



If a party in interest to a mortgage wishes to exercise his right of redemption in a foreclosure sale,he must ________.

A) attend the foreclosure sale and pay the purchaser an equity fee
B) act before the foreclosure sale
C) pay the purchaser the amount the purchaser paid plus interest up to the time of redemption if he exercises his right of redemption after the foreclosure sale
D) secure a co-signer to guarantee the mortgage loan

On May 06, 2024



Which of the following statements is true?

A) Interest on bonds is tax deductible.
B) Interest on bonds is not tax deductible.
C) Dividends to stockholders are tax deductible.
D) Bonds do not have to be repaid.
E) Bonds always increase return on equity.

On May 02, 2024