


Analyze which people use alternative treatments.​

On May 06, 2024

A. The people who use alternative treatments differ from those who do not in terms of beliefs, demographics, and satisfaction with their medical care.
B. The beliefs of those who use CAM tend to be compatible with the biopsychosocial view of health and disease, and these individuals are more open to different worldviews.
C. The demographic factors that characterize CAM users include gender, ethnicity, education, and geographic location.
1. Women are more likely than men to use CAM.
2. In the United States, well-educated European-Americans are more likely than others to use CAM.
3. People in the United States use CAM less often than those in Canada, Australia, and some European countries in which CAM is more fully integrated into the health care system.
D. Individuals who have sought conventional treatment but have failed to experience satisfactory improvement are more likely to seek alternative treatment but are also likely to add this treatment, which constitutes complementary treatment.


The state of impaired functioning that occurs if a persistent stressor depletes the body's resources for coping is

A) resistance.
B) exhaustion.
C) alarm.
D) eustress.

On May 04, 2024



​The connection between the immune system and asthma may occur through

A) ​the stress from its treatment.
B) ​the process of inflammation.
C) ​triggers, like smoke or dust.
D) ​a person's ethnic background.

On May 02, 2024