


Homeostasis is a systems concept that describes the tendency of a system to maintain or preserve:

A) ​equilibrium or balance.
B) ​limitations or rules.
C) ​guidelines or boundaries.
D) ​strengths or weaknesses.

On Jun 19, 2024



What is externalizing and how is it used in narrative counseling?

On Jun 15, 2024

Externalizing in narrative counseling refers to the practice of separating the problem from the individual and viewing it as an external entity or force. This technique is used to help clients distance themselves from their problems and gain a new perspective on them. By externalizing the problem, clients are able to see it as something that has been imposed upon them, rather than a reflection of their identity or worth.

In narrative counseling, externalizing is used by therapists to help clients reframe their understanding of their problems and take a more active role in addressing them. By personifying the problem and giving it a name or identity, clients are able to engage in a dialogue with it, gaining insight into its impact on their lives and finding ways to challenge its influence.

Overall, externalizing in narrative counseling is a powerful tool for helping clients gain control over their problems and develop a sense of agency in addressing them. By separating the problem from the individual, clients are able to reclaim their own narrative and work towards positive change in their lives.


Describe the factors to be considered when initiating interventions with families who are diverse with respect to culture or race.

On Jun 14, 2024

​Answers may vary. The following factors may be considerations when initiating interventions with families who are diverse with respect to culture or race:
Differences in communication styles: Because there are differences in the speech patterns in nonnative English speakers, in many situations it may be more important to focus on process rather than content.
Hierarchical considerations: Depending on the age-sex hierarchies in some cultures, you are advised to address the father, then the mother, then other adults, and finally the older and younger children. Grandparents or other elders in the family may actually be held in greater esteem than parents and figure prominently in the family's hierarchical arrangement.
Authority of social workers: The authority vested in the social worker can vary by culture and race. For some families, the helping practitioner is perceived as a knowledgeable expert who will guide them in the proper course of action. Therefore, they expect you to take a directive role when working with the family.
The dynamics of minority status and culture in exploring reservations: Minority statuses, which encompass a range of social identities, are other factors that may cause a family or family member to have reservations about seeking help. Families may fear "what might happen" if their problems are brought out into the open.


Which of the following scenarios is an example of macro practice?​

A) ​A direct practitioner helping a husband and wife resolve their differences
B) ​A direct practitioner helping elderly people at a retirement home fill the right forms to claim their pensions
C) ​A direct practitioner helping differently-abled children get better education by proposing changes in the education policies
D) ​A direct practitioner helping a chain smoker quit smoking

On Jun 11, 2024



The Law of Attraction asserts that a person's thoughts dictate the reality of that person's life.

On Jun 03, 2024



Discuss briefly each of the following: constructivism,social-constructivism,structuralism/postconstructuralism.

On May 17, 2024

Constructivism is a learning theory that suggests that individuals construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences. It emphasizes the role of the individual in actively constructing their own knowledge rather than passively receiving it from an external source.

Social-constructivism, on the other hand, expands on constructivism by highlighting the importance of social interaction and collaboration in the learning process. It emphasizes the role of culture, language, and social interactions in shaping an individual's understanding of the world. According to social-constructivism, knowledge is not just individually constructed, but also socially constructed through interactions with others.

Structuralism/poststructuralism, on the other hand, is a philosophical and theoretical approach that focuses on the underlying structures and systems that shape human experience and understanding. Structuralism seeks to uncover the underlying structures that govern human behavior and thought, while poststructuralism challenges the idea of fixed structures and emphasizes the fluid and ever-changing nature of knowledge and understanding. Poststructuralism also critiques the notion of an objective reality, instead emphasizing the subjective and contextual nature of knowledge and truth.


Dialectical conceptualization is about finding balance between polar opposites.In the psychological realm opposites take the form of ____________,____________,or _____________.

A) conscious; unconscious; self
B) id; ego; superego
C) thoughts; emotions; behaviors
D) psychoeducation; acceptance; transformation

On May 15, 2024



Powell's classification of self-help groups included the Spina Bifida Association as an example of a_____ organization.

A) lifestyle
B) significant other
C) physical handicap
D) general purpose

On May 13, 2024



Emotionally focused therapy focuses on the emotional system of the couple and uses ______________________ to help couples restructure their interactional patterns for the purpose of increasing emotional intimacy and addressing attachment needs.

A) mirroring
B) affect heightening
C) projection
D) behavior modification

On May 12, 2024



When considering DSM diagnosis,feminist counselors __________________________.

A) refuse to utilize such classification systems
B) use diagnostic labels in ways that are normalizing
C) find diagnostic labels unhelpful at all times
D) do not consider the impact of labels in a client's view of him or her self

On May 04, 2024