


What is the difference between race and ethnicity?

On May 09, 2024

A race is a category of people whose perceived physical markers are deemed socially significant.An ethnic group is a category of people whose perceived cultural markers are deemed socially significant.


Identify the main changes made to Canadian divorce law in recent decades.

On May 08, 2024

In recent decades, Canadian divorce law has undergone several significant changes to reflect the evolving social norms and to better address the needs of Canadians going through the process of divorce. Here are some of the main changes:

1. No-Fault Divorce: One of the most significant changes came with the 1985 amendment to the Divorce Act, which introduced the concept of no-fault divorce. Prior to this, couples had to prove adultery, cruelty, or desertion to obtain a divorce. The 1985 amendment allowed couples to divorce after living apart for one year, without having to prove fault.

2. Child Support Guidelines: In 1997, the Federal Child Support Guidelines were introduced to ensure a fair standard of support for children after divorce. These guidelines provide a framework for calculating the amount of child support based on the income of the paying parent and the number of children.

3. Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines: Although not legislated, the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines were developed in 2008 to provide consistency and predictability in spousal support awards. These guidelines suggest ranges for the amount and duration of spousal support and are widely used by lawyers and judges.

4. Parenting Arrangements: The Divorce Act was further amended to replace terms like "custody" and "access" with more neutral terms such as "parenting orders" and "parenting time" to reduce conflict and focus on the best interests of the child.

5. Relocation Guidelines: Amendments to the Divorce Act that came into effect in March 2021 introduced new rules regarding the relocation of a child after divorce. These changes require the relocating parent to provide notice to the other parent, and they set out factors that courts must consider when deciding whether to allow the child to move.

6. Family Violence Considerations: The 2021 amendments also added specific considerations regarding family violence to ensure that the effects of such violence are taken into account when making decisions about parenting arrangements and contact with a child.

7. Promotion of Alternative Dispute Resolution: The recent amendments encourage the use of family dispute resolution processes, such as mediation and arbitration, as alternatives to court. This approach aims to reduce the adversarial nature of divorce proceedings and to resolve issues in a more collaborative and less costly manner.

These changes reflect a shift towards prioritizing the well-being of children, promoting fairness, reducing conflict, and recognizing the changing dynamics of family relationships. The evolution of divorce law in Canada continues to be influenced by societal changes, research on the impacts of divorce, and the ongoing need to improve the legal system's response to family breakdowns.


Explain how the functionalist and conflict perspectives view formal organizations. Offer an example for each, including descriptions of the key elements of these approaches.

On May 06, 2024

The functionalist perspective views formal organizations as essential for maintaining social order and stability. According to this perspective, organizations serve specific functions within society and contribute to the overall well-being of individuals and communities. For example, a functionalist might argue that a hospital provides essential healthcare services to the community, contributing to the overall health and well-being of the population. Key elements of the functionalist approach include a focus on the positive contributions of organizations to society, an emphasis on the importance of maintaining social order, and an understanding of organizations as serving specific functions within the larger social system.

On the other hand, the conflict perspective views formal organizations as sites of power struggles and inequality. According to this perspective, organizations are often characterized by unequal power dynamics and serve the interests of dominant groups at the expense of marginalized individuals or groups. For example, a conflict theorist might argue that a large corporation exploits its workers in order to maximize profits for the benefit of the wealthy elite. Key elements of the conflict approach include a focus on power dynamics and inequality within organizations, an emphasis on the role of organizations in perpetuating social inequality, and an understanding of organizations as sites of conflict and struggle.

In summary, the functionalist perspective emphasizes the positive functions of formal organizations within society, while the conflict perspective highlights the power dynamics and inequalities that exist within these organizations. Both perspectives offer valuable insights into the role and impact of formal organizations in the larger social system.


Research suggests that networks based on _____ are especially important when you are searching for a job.

A) age
B) skill set
C) experience and union membership
D) race, class, and gender

On May 05, 2024



Damian is devoted to heavy metal music to the extent that he dresses like, often behaves like, and wants to be like the members of his favorite bands. Those bands are best described as Damian's

A) primary group.
B) secondary group.
C) reference group.
D) attribution group.

On May 04, 2024



Edna is almost 85 years old and has had three heart surgeries. In terms of her connection to religion, what would sociologists predict?

A) She would experience increased connection as she gets closer to dying.
B) She would experience decreased connection as she gets closer to dying.
C) She would experience the same level of connection as she had throughout her life.
D) She would experience no connection as she becomes more cynical.

On May 02, 2024