


The attempt to observe a social milieu objectively and take part in the activities being observed is called:

A) the Hawthorne effect
B) participant observation
C) validation
D) surveying
E) experimentation

On Jul 24, 2024



Why do the authors of your textbook reject definitions of family that depend on particular types of people, such as parents, and specific types of ties, such as marriage?

A) They believe that the nuclear family remains the most important prototype for a family.
B) They want the definition to be broad enough to encompass a variety of living arrangements.
C) They believe that in the future more families will consist of two sets of parents with children.
D) They argue that it is important to limit the definition of families so that families can be discussed with clarity.

On Jul 20, 2024



Child maltreatment occurs within the family because one or two parents intentionally decide to be mean to their children.

On Jul 16, 2024



Evaluate the labeling perspective on deviance.What are some pros and cons of this approach? How does it relate to the more general process of social interaction?

On Jul 13, 2024

The labeling perspective on deviance focuses on how individuals and groups are labeled as deviant by society, and how this labeling affects their behavior and social interactions. This perspective suggests that deviance is not inherent in certain behaviors, but rather is a result of societal reactions to those behaviors.

Some pros of the labeling perspective include its emphasis on the social construction of deviance, which highlights the role of power dynamics and social control in defining what is considered deviant. This perspective also draws attention to the stigmatizing effects of labeling, and how it can lead to further deviant behavior as individuals internalize and fulfill the expectations placed upon them.

However, there are also some cons to this approach. Critics argue that it may downplay the significance of individual agency and responsibility, and could potentially excuse or justify harmful behavior. Additionally, the labeling perspective may not fully account for the underlying causes of deviant behavior, such as social inequality or psychological factors.

In terms of its relation to the more general process of social interaction, the labeling perspective highlights how social interactions and reactions play a crucial role in defining and reinforcing deviant behavior. It emphasizes the importance of societal reactions, such as formal and informal sanctions, in shaping individuals' identities and behaviors. This perspective also underscores the impact of social labeling on individuals' self-concept and their subsequent interactions with others.

Overall, the labeling perspective on deviance offers valuable insights into the social construction of deviance and the impact of societal reactions on individuals. However, it is important to consider its limitations and to integrate other perspectives in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of deviant behavior.


If someone is considered a deviant by others,and comes to see him- or herself in the same way,that person is called a __________ deviant.

On Jul 08, 2024



What was the largest city in Canada in 1901?

A) Winnipeg
B) Toronto
C) Montreal
D) Vancouver

On Jun 19, 2024



What type of socialization takes place when powerful socializing agents deliberately cause rapid change in people's values, roles, and self-conception, sometimes even against their will?

A) self-socialization
B) secondary socialization
C) anticipatory socialization
D) resocialization

On Jun 16, 2024



Describe and compare some of the patterns of sexual assault in U.S.society.How do these patterns reflect forces such as social class and gender?

On Jun 12, 2024

Sexual assault in U.S. society can take on various patterns, but some common ones include acquaintance rape, date rape, and stranger rape. Acquaintance rape occurs when the perpetrator is someone known to the victim, such as a friend, coworker, or classmate. Date rape occurs within the context of a romantic or social relationship, while stranger rape involves an assault by someone unknown to the victim.

These patterns of sexual assault reflect forces such as social class and gender in several ways. For example, individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds may be at a higher risk of experiencing sexual assault due to factors such as limited access to resources, lack of social support, and exposure to high-crime neighborhoods. On the other hand, individuals from higher social classes may have more resources to seek help and support in the event of an assault.

Gender also plays a significant role in patterns of sexual assault, as women are disproportionately affected by these crimes. This reflects broader societal power dynamics and gender inequalities, where women are often seen as more vulnerable and are subjected to higher rates of sexual violence. Additionally, societal norms and expectations around masculinity and femininity can contribute to patterns of sexual assault, as men may feel pressure to assert dominance and control over women.

Overall, patterns of sexual assault in U.S. society are influenced by social class and gender dynamics, highlighting the need for comprehensive efforts to address these issues and support survivors.


Cohesion and productivity are most closely associated with the

A) working stage.
B) transition stage.
C) pre-group stage.
D) initial stage.

On Jun 08, 2024



According to Emirbayer and Desmond, those with White social capital have the power to define the racial field.

On May 19, 2024
