


How does money function as a unit of account?​

A) Money has intrinsic worth as a commodity.
B) Money is convertible into commodities that have intrinsic worth.
C) The prices of all goods and services are measured in terms of money.
D) Things that function as money can do so because people know there is a standard of value that ultimately backs the money even if it is only faith.
E) Bank accounts make it easy for people to store their wealth.

On May 05, 2024



Should you mark every print or digital message you send as "urgent" to make sure people pay attention?

A) No,because most networking systems ignore the urgent tag these days
B) Yes,because people are so overloaded anymore they review only the most-urgent messages
C) Yes,because most corporate email systems are configured to treat non-urgent messages as spam
D) No,because you'll annoy readers and damage your reputation
E) Yes,because to get anywhere in business you need to be seen as "high energy"

On May 03, 2024