


The primary advantage of displaying a game in extensive form instead of strategic form is that extensive form allows one to

A) display the order in which decisions are made; strategic form does not.
B) analyze repeated games; strategic form does not.
C) determine the existence of a Nash equilibrium; strategic form does not.
D) determine whether credible threats are possible; strategic form does not.

On Jul 07, 2024



What steps must a target corporation take once an aggressor has presented its offer to the target corporation's shareholders?

On Jul 03, 2024

Once an aggressor has presented its offer to the target corporation's shareholders, the target corporation's board of directors must inform shareholders of all facts pertinent to shareholders' votes. After reviewing those material facts, the directors vote to accept or reject the offer, and advise shareholders accordingly.


Chris is the global operations manager at Asterisk Inc., a Canadian apparel company. The company is planning to start operations in Brazil and Japan. Chris believes that Asterisk has the potential to boost its overall sales by setting up operations in Brazil and Japan if:

A) it understands that customers in both these countries have similar preferences.
B) it follows the same business strategy for its global operations that it uses for its domestic operations.
C) it can use a universal marketing strategy for its products to appeal to customers of both these countries.
D) it can persuade people in these two countries to buy its products.

On Jun 07, 2024



Discuss the attractiveness of tweens and teens as a market.

On Jun 03, 2024

It's a no-brainer that kids represent a huge market for toys, apparel, and even electronics. A quarter of 9-year-olds have a smart phone and by the time they are 12 this number is over half. Kids also play a big role in many other household purchases. Younger children (under 11) influence consumer spending to the tune of over $18 billion a year. Parental yielding occurs when a parental decision maker "surrenders" to a child's request. Yielding drives many product selections because about 90 percent of these requests are for a specific brand. Researchers estimate that, in North America, tweens directly influence over $30 billion worth of family purchases in a year.
The global youth market, which includes Gen Z and part of Gen Y, is massive. It represents about $100 billion in spending power! Much of this money goes toward "feel-good" products: cosmetics, posters, and fast food. Because teens are interested in so many different products and have the resources to obtain them, many marketers avidly court them.
Consumers in this age subculture have a number of needs (including some that conflict with one another), such as experimentation, belonging, independence, responsibility, and approval from others. Product usage is a significant medium that lets them satisfy these needs.


An investor has a portfolio with 30% invested in gold stocks, and 70% in industrial stocks. It is expected that gold stocks will provide a 4% return in a good economy and 18% in a poor economy. Industrial stocks are expected to provide 9% return in a good economy and -9% in a poor economy. The probability of a good economy is 40% and 60% in a poor economy. Given this information, calculate the expected return on the portfolio.

A) 1.46%
B) 2.46%
C) 3.46%
D) 4.46%
E) 5.46%

On May 05, 2024



In a logistics system, warehousing should be optimized at the expense of related logistics activities, such as transportation and procurement.

On May 03, 2024
