



A) Stimulates synthesis of thyroid hormones
B) Increases adrenal cortex secretions
C) Development of immune system
D) Milk production
E) Decreases blood Ca2+ levels

On Jul 05, 2024



Dealing directly with employees during collective bargaining is considered bad faith bargaining and violates the National Labor Relations Act. Given that an employer needs to know how its employees feel about various terms and conditions of employment, how can it avoid direct dealing during negotiations?

On Jul 02, 2024

To avoid the appearance of direct dealing, an employer should avoid conducting employee opinion surveys during negotiations unless they deal with issues that are clearly unrelated to mandatory bargaining issues (wages, hours, working conditions). The employer can communicate the status of negotiations with employees but should be careful not to use language that might be considered intimidating or threatening. The employer should avoid statements that might be perceived as an attempt to undermine the union. If the employer is truly concerned about how employees feel about a particular issue, the employer can ask the union to provide the employer with information regarding the preferences and desires of its union members. Unions have an obligation to provide such information if it is relevant to negotiations.


Describe an example fossils being used to reconstruct the behavior of extinct animals.

On Jun 05, 2024

One example of fossils being used to reconstruct the behavior of extinct animals is the study of dinosaur footprints. By examining the size, shape, and arrangement of dinosaur footprints, scientists can make inferences about how these animals moved, interacted with their environment, and even how they hunted or foraged for food. For example, tracks that show a group of dinosaurs moving in the same direction could suggest a herd behavior, while evidence of a predator stalking its prey can be inferred from the pattern of footprints. Additionally, the depth and spacing of footprints can provide clues about the speed and gait of the animals. By analyzing these fossilized footprints, researchers can gain valuable insights into the behavior and ecology of extinct animals.


The two nuclei in the dikaryotic state are ____.

A) diploid and from the same parent
B) diploid and from different parents
C) haploid and from the same parent
D) haploid and from different parents
E) one diploid and one haploid from different parents

On Jun 02, 2024



ions retain their respective charges

A) ionic bond
B) covalent bond
C) hydrogen bond

On May 06, 2024



Which hypothesis suggests that both polypeptides and RNA arose at the same time?

A) Aleksandr Oparin's coacervate theory
B) Stanley Miller's chemical soup theory
C) Sidney Fox's protein-first hypothesis
D) Alexander Cairns-Smith's simultaneous evolution of polypeptides and RNA hypothesis
E) Darwin's original theory of evolution, as written in Origin of Species

On May 03, 2024