


Which of the following disclosures are required under AASB 13:

A) The valuation techniques used to measure fair value.
B) Non-recurring fair value measurements.
C) Changes in the inputs used to measure fair value.
D) All of the options are correct.

On Jul 05, 2024



When employees have higher job satisfaction they tend to:

A) provide friendlier service to customers.
B) get angry at customers more often than when they are dissatisfied with their jobs.
C) provide the same quality of customer service as when they were dissatisfied with their jobs.
D) provide more consistent service to customers because of their longer employment in the job.
E) do both 'A' and 'D'.

On Jul 02, 2024



Use the concepts of goal clarity and goal-path clarity to explain when a group will experience maximum optimism about its prospects for success.

On Jun 05, 2024

Goal clarity refers to the extent to which the group's goals are clearly defined and understood by all members. When the group has a clear understanding of what they are working towards, they are more likely to feel optimistic about their prospects for success. This is because they can see a clear endpoint and understand the purpose of their efforts.

Goal-path clarity, on the other hand, refers to the clarity and understanding of the steps and strategies needed to achieve the group's goals. When the group has a clear plan and knows the specific actions they need to take to reach their goals, they will also experience maximum optimism about their prospects for success. This is because they have a clear roadmap to follow and can see a way forward to achieve their objectives.

Therefore, a group will experience maximum optimism about its prospects for success when they have both goal clarity and goal-path clarity. When the group understands their goals and knows the steps needed to achieve them, they will feel confident and optimistic about their ability to succeed. This clarity and understanding provide a sense of direction and purpose, which can boost the group's morale and motivation. As a result, they will be more likely to work together effectively and persistently towards their goals, leading to a greater likelihood of success.


Differentiate tangible rewards from intangible rewards and intrinsic benefits from extrinsic benefits.

On Jun 02, 2024

Tangible rewards are those that can be measured such as saved money, saved time or the acquisition of a desired product. Intangible rewards are those that do not have a physical presence, such as a person's desire to gain prestige, to live an easier life or gain some freedom.
Intrinsic benefits are those that readers will get automatically by complying with a request. They are tightly linked with what a writer is expecting out of the readers. Extrinsic benefits are those that a reader will indirectly get when complying with a request. They are added on to the intrinsic benefit and are relatively short-lived.


Which of the following cases would be a good one to mediate?

A) A case where the parties want to ensure the right to appeal
B) A case where the parties want a high degree of public visibility
C) A case where the parties want to maintain goodwill
D) A case where the parties are not concerned about costs and delays
E) A case where the parties do not trust each other

On May 06, 2024



Alwyn is a team lead at QuantSoft Technologies. During one of the lead meetings, he proposes that the company should send its managers to its offices in other countries so that they can experience cross-cultural business. It can be said that Alwyn _____.

A) understands the requirements of being a domestic leader
B) is looking to build global leadership competencies in himself
C) believes that his company has effectively developed global leadership competencies
D) is concerned that his peers do not have adequate leadership experience

On May 03, 2024