


Which politicking strategy uses emotional appeals based on values and ideas to gain support?

A) Upward appeals
B) Coalition building
C) Consultation
D) Inspirational appeals

On Jul 25, 2024



Diversity is best understood and managed within ____,one that values diversity of thought,encourages and rewards learning and change,and controls group processes.

A) paternalistic management
B) a passive system
C) an open organizational culture
D) a bureaucratic system

On Jul 09, 2024



The role of a facilitator is not limited to what happens during the meetings.

On Jun 24, 2024



What does requesting feedback too frequently imply?

A) Demonstrates lack of commitment to improve
B) Helps in understanding blind spots
C) Reinforce positive and effective behaviors
D) Lack of confidence in your abilities

On Jun 09, 2024



Due to the high level of control possessed by empowered managers,they are less likely to empower their subordinates.

On Jun 06, 2024



Which of the following will help minimize miscommunications with diverse others?

A) Concentrate more on the messenger than the message
B) Use words that are inclusive rather than exclusive
C) Use adjectives that imply the individual is an exception
D) Avoid asking questions when someone uses a different first language

On May 10, 2024



What are the four skills and strategies used primarily to initiate a relationship? Provide an example.

On May 08, 2024

-Observe and act on approachability cues
-Identify and use conversation starters
-Follow initiation norms
-Ask questions.
-For example,Pablo saw Manseula across the welcome desk at a convention and was intrigued by her.He actively turned toward her,made eye contact,smiled,and said hello.He walked toward her and started a conversation by asking her which company she was representing,and asked if she was enjoying the band playing in the background.They followed with initiation norms of exchanging names,asking each other about the projects they are working on,and providing each other with contact information.
-Student examples will vary.


Which strategy for delivering bad news involves using messages that are honest and straightforward?

A) direct strategy
B) indirect strategy
C) comforting strategy
D) empowerment strategy

On May 07, 2024



Explain how each of the five conflict management styles, (1)avoidance, (2)accommodation, (3)competition, (4)compromise,and (5)collaboration,are related to the dimensions of concern for self and concern for others.

On May 05, 2024

1.Avoidance is a style that demonstrates little concern for self or for others.This is a "lose-lose" approach,since neither person in the conflict is satisfied.If someone just walks away from a conflict,nothing is solved to the benefit of either person.
2.Accommodation shows high concern for others but little concern for the self.If we simply give way to what the other person wants,they may get what they want,but we don't.It is sometimes called the "lose-win" approach,since you sacrifice your own needs so that someone else can win the argument.
3.Competition demonstrates high concern for the self but low concern for others.This is a "win-lose" approach because the person using this conflict management style tries to make sure he or she wins regardless of the impact on the other person.
4.Compromise demonstrates a middle ground between concern for self and concern for others.This is a lose/win-lose/win approach,because both parties give up something in exchange for something at the same time.
5.Collaboration is an approach where there is a high regard for both parties.This approach is considered "win-win" because a solution that satisfies most needs of both parties is sought.It uses other-oriented strategies to achieve a positive solution for all involved.


Joe tells his wife,Serafina,that he thinks they should "redo" their bathroom as their next home improvement project.Serafina reacts strongly to this suggestion,complaining that,"We don't have enough money to do that!" Serafina thought "redo" the bathroom meant to replace the shower,toilet,and sink and to re-tile the floors and paint the walls.She was relieved when Joe explained that what he meant by "redo" the bathroom was just to paint the walls and have the floors refinished.The language barrier Joe and Serafina experienced is called __________.

A) allness
B) static evaluation
C) bypassing
D) polarization

On May 04, 2024