


If you were assigned the task of constructing a cladogram representing the evolutionary relationship between amphibians, turtles, lizards, snakes, crocodiles, birds, and mammals, what feature could you use as the shared derived trait?

A) presence of a beak
B) presence of hair
C) give birth to live young
D) four limbs
E) production of milk to nourish their young

On Jul 08, 2024



Which blood vessel structure is only found in veins?

A) elastic layer
B) basement membrane
C) smooth muscle
D) valve
E) endothelium

On Jul 07, 2024



Explain the process of phototropism, including the role of auxin in this process.

On Jun 08, 2024

Phototropism orients certain parts of the plant in the direction that maximizes the amount of light intercepted by its photosynthetic cells. Phototropism in shoots occurs in response to blue light absorbed by nonphotosynthetic pigments called phototropins. In a shoot tip or coleoptile, light-energized phototropins repress transcription of a gene whose product causes auxin efflux carriers to be distributed evenly around the cell membrane. Thus, a cell exposed to a directional light source ends up with efflux carriers positioned mainly on its shady side. The polarization directs auxin flow toward the shaded side of the structure, causing cells on that side to elongate more than cells on the illuminated side. The difference causes the entire structure to bend toward the light as it lengthens.


Which statement best describes the composition of cell walls found in water molds?

A) All individuals have only walls made of cellulose.
B) All individuals have only walls made of chitin.
C) All individuals have only peptidoglycan walls.
D) Some individuals have cell walls of chitin, and others have cell walls of cellulose.
E) Some individuals have cell walls of chitin, some have cell walls of cellulose, and some have cell walls of both chitin and cellulose.

On Jun 07, 2024



Both neurons and neuroglia are able to generate and conduct nerve impulses.

On May 09, 2024



What explains the viability of individuals with aneuploidies for the sex chromosomes?

A) Sex chromosomes carry less information than autosomes.
B) The lack of crossing-over between the X and the Y chromosomes.
C) Sex chromosomes are smaller than most autosomes.
D) The information on sex chromosomes is duplicated on the autosomes.
E) Dosage compensation, by which one X chromosome per cell is inactivated.

On May 08, 2024



Explain how the Great Uprising of 1877 laid the foundation for future labor-management relations.

On May 07, 2024

The Great Uprising of 1877 was a result of pent-up grievances by workers in many industries and locations. The Uprising was characterized by one railroad strike after another, in some cases resulting in violent clashes between workers and federal troops or state militia. Workers shut down many businesses, rioters destroyed property, and several people died as a result of the riots. Consequently, employers had significant fears of similar populace uprisings and backlash against capital owners. Therefore, they resorted to increasingly more aggressive tactics for repressing unionization. This laid a foundation of conflict between employers and employees as the norm for labor-management relations in the U.S.


Four of the five answers listed below are cellular. Select the exception.

A) viruses
B) cyanobacteria
C) halophiles
D) methanogens
E) thermophiles

On May 05, 2024



Describe the four types of flexibility that are emphasized by businesses today. What are the employee concerns associated with each type of flexibility?

On May 04, 2024

Employers are looking to develop four types of flexibility in the workplace today. Employment flexibility refers to the ability of employers to change labor utilization through varying work hours or the number of employees. This raises employee concerns regarding income security (maintaining hours of work), periods of unemployment, and maintaining fair wage rates for unusual work hours. Pay flexibility refers to the ability to make compensation changes in response to competitive pressures and needs for organizational performance. From the employees' perspective, pay for performance places a greater portion of their compensation "at risk" and increases subjectivity and the potential for supervisory bias in wage determination processes. Functional flexibility refers to the need to easily shift workers into different jobs in response to changing customer needs. The employee concerns are that high way, skilled employees will be replaced with low-wage, unskilled workers or that workers will be asked to work ever harder without commensurate increases in pay. Finally, procedural flexibility refers to changes in production methods, technology, and/or work organization. Key concerns here include the lack of voice in decision-making and consideration of outcomes and the stress that may result from these changes.


Identify the thymus gland in the following figure. Identify the thymus gland in the following figure.   A)  A B)  B C)  C D)  D

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D

On May 03, 2024