


(Figure: The Shrimp Market) Use Figure: The Shrimp Market.If the government imposes a quota limiting sales of shrimp to 250 pounds,it will have the same effect on transactions as a price floor of:

A) $17.50
B) $10
C) $7.50
D) The answer cannot be determined from the information provided.

On Aug 03, 2024



Merchandise with a sales price of $5,000 is sold on account with terms 2/10, n/30. The journal entry to record the sale would include a

A) debit to Cash for $5,000
B) debit to Customer Refunds Payable for $100
C) credit to Sales for $4,900
D) debit to Accounts Receivable for $4,880

On Aug 01, 2024



Using not-sanctioned means to pursue not-sanctioned ends is an example of

A) networking.
B) organizational politics.
C) the control of strategic contingencies.
D) conflict resolution.
E) ethical behaviour.

On Jul 03, 2024



What are the implications of a reduction strategy for an organization?

On Jul 02, 2024

Answers will vary. Sometimes, an organization may find itself facing reductions. Perhaps an organization is experiencing cutbacks. Sometimes, these reductions can be handled through normal attrition processes. A popular alternative to terminations and layoffs, especially for managers, is early retirement. The idea is to make offers to employees to enhance their retirement benefits so that people might consider retiring at an earlier age than they would have done otherwise. Of course, this process involves costs to the organization. The organization may be forced to pay additional benefits to those employees above and beyond what they would have ordinarily expected to pay. It is also possible that the organization might lose people that it would have preferred to keep; that is, its highest-performing employees may be those who opt for early retirement. In fact, they may see early retirement as an opportunity for increasing their income by taking retirement benefits from their current employer but using their high-performance credentials to gain new employment with another organization. On the other hand, lower-performing employees are less likely to have this option and thus may be more likely to remain with the current organization.


Political corruption occurs whenever:

A) logrolling is used to secure votes for controversial legislation.
B) government officials use unlawful misdirection of governmental resources for their own personal gain.
C) special interest groups contribute to elected officials,who in turn support legislation that benefits the special interest group.
D) there is pork barrel politics involved.

On Jun 03, 2024



Discuss the use of photographs as a visual or data display; explain their advantages and rules for use.

On Jun 02, 2024

Photographs convey a sense of authenticity. The photo of a devastated area can suggest the need for government grants or private donations. The photo of a prototype helps convince investors that a product can be manufactured. If the item is especially big or small, include something in the photograph that can serve as a reference point: a dime, a person. Make sure to use high-quality professional photos, especially on websites where audiences may have the ability to zoom if they're viewing on smartphones. Be sure to also keep the photographs on a website consistent, whether it is the background, colors, or overall tone. You may need to crop, or trim, a photo for best results. However, make sure to be ethical with any cropping you do. A growing problem with photos is that they may be edited or staged, purporting to show something as reality even though it never occurred.


The automobile industry is a good example of a monopolistically competitive industry.

On May 04, 2024



Many stock analysts assume that a mispriced stock will

A) immediately return to its intrinsic value.
B) return to its intrinsic value within a few days.
C) never return to its intrinsic value.
D) gradually approach its intrinsic value over several years.
E) None of the options are correct.

On May 03, 2024