


The 12-month period that ends when a company's sales activities are at their lowest level is called the:

A) Fiscal year.
B) Calendar year.
C) Natural business year.
D) Accounting period.
E) Interim period.

On Jun 07, 2024



Suppose that Family A borrows money when its car breaks down and saves money when the wife receives a holiday bonus from her employer. Suppose that Family B borrows money to buy elaborate birthday presents for the children and spends the husband's holiday bonus on a vacation to Washington. Which of the following is correct?

A) Both Family A's and Family B's spending habits suggest that they base their purchasing decisions on transitory income."
B) Family A's spending habits suggest that it bases its purchasing decisions on transitory income rather than permanent income.Family B's spending habits suggest that it bases its purchasing decisions on permanent income rather than transitory income.
C) Family A's spending habits suggest that it bases its purchasing decisions on permanent income rather than transitory income.Family B's spending habits suggest that it bases its purchasing decisions on transitory income rather than permanent income.
D) Both Family A's and Family B's spending habits suggest that they base their purchasing decisions on permanent income.

On Jun 07, 2024



The assignment of direct labour costs to individual jobs is based on

A) actual total payroll costs divided equally among all the jobs in process.
B) estimated total payroll costs divided equally among all the jobs in process.
C) the actual time spent on each job multiplied by the wage rate.
D) the estimated time spent on each job multiplied by the wage rate.

On Jun 04, 2024



On the basis of historical data from the 1948-2002 period, the return on the average common stock has fluctuated less than the return on the average stock of small firms.

On May 06, 2024



The more culturally diverse a team,the more that network density negatively affects team potency and the more network centralization is required for optimal team performance.

On May 03, 2024
