


A decrease in accounts receivables is categorized as a use of funds.

On Jul 06, 2024



Which of the following events would cause a movement upward and to the left along the demand curve for olives?

A) The number of people who purchase olives decreases.
B) Consumer income decreases, and olives are a normal good.
C) The price of pickles decreases, and pickles are a substitute for olives.
D) The price of olives rises.

On Jul 06, 2024



Cross-training employees by moving them through a variety of jobs within the organization is called:

A) job enrichment
B) an employee exchange program
C) job rotation
D) mentoring
E) job enlargement

On Jul 02, 2024



The financial statements of Franklin Company contained the following errors:
The financial statements of Franklin Company contained the following errors:    A.Was net income for 2019 understated or overstated? Briefly explain your answer. B.1.Considering the effect of the errors of both years at December 31,2020,is retained earnings overstated or understated,and by what amount? 2.Briefly explain your answer to part B (1). A.Was net income for 2019 understated or overstated? Briefly explain your answer.
B.1.Considering the effect of the errors of both years at December 31,2020,is retained earnings overstated or understated,and by what amount?
2.Briefly explain your answer to part B (1).

On Jun 06, 2024

A.Overstated.If depreciation expense is understated,then net income is overstated.
B.1.Retained earnings at December 31,2020 is overstated by $100.
2.Net income of 2019 is overstated by $1,000 because the expense is understated.Net income of 2020 is understated by $900 because the expense is overstated.The net effect on retained earnings is an overstatement of $100.


The ability of Intel to spread product development and other "start-up" costs over a larger number of units of output results in

A) economies of scale.
B) diseconomies of scale.
C) minimum efficient scale.
D) constant returns to scale.

On Jun 02, 2024



Project Alpha has an NPV of $10 million and a standard deviation based on risk analysis of $3 million. Project Beta has an NPV of $8 million and a standard deviation based on risk of $2 million. Which project should be selected and why?

A) Select Alpha because it has the higher NPV.
B) Select Beta because it has the lower risk as represented by standard deviation.
C) Select either project because both have positive NPVs and relatively low risk compared to their NPVs.
D) Don't select either project because there is too much risk associated with both projects.
E) There is no clear decision rule, the choice depends on management's degree of risk aversion.

On May 06, 2024



Are the potential benefits of participation the same for all participants? Why or why not?

On May 03, 2024

Student answers may vary. The potential benefits of participation are not the same. The leader's objectives for using participation may differ depending on whether participants are subordinates, peers, superiors, or outsiders. Downward consultation may be used to increase the quality of decisions by drawing on the knowledge and problem-solving expertise of subordinates. Another objective is to increase subordinate acceptance of decisions by providing a sense of ownership. A third may be to develop the decision-making skills of subordinates by giving them experience in helping to analyze decision problems and evaluate solutions. A fourth is to facilitate conflict resolution and team building. Lateral consultation with people in different subunits may be used to increase decision quality when peers have relevant knowledge about the cause of a problem and likely solutions. When cooperation from other managers is necessary to implement a decision, consultation is a way to increase their understanding and commitment. Lateral consultation facilitates coordination and cooperation among managers of different organizational subunits with interdependent tasks. Upward consultation by a manager makes it possible to draw on the expertise of the boss, which may be greater than the manager's expertise. In addition, upward consultation allows a manager to find out how the boss feels about a problem and is likely to react to various proposals. On the other hand, excessive consultation with a boss suggests a lack of self-confidence and initiative for the subordinate. A manager with authority to make decisions is wise to avoid becoming too dependent on the boss when making these decisions. Consulting with outsiders such as clients and suppliers helps ensure that decisions affecting them are understood and accepted. It is also a way to learn more about their needs and preferences, strengthen external networks, improve coordination, and solve mutual problems.