


Excluding important negative information about a candidate in a recommendation letter

A) is expected-otherwise no one would be able to get a good job.
B) has led some employers to sue after hiring the candidate and discovering problems.
C) is the only way to prevent the candidate from suing you.
D) is okay,as long as you explain to the candidate that you are doing it.
E) is rarely done because most employers are honest.

On Aug 03, 2024



Which of the following is a measure of the combination of forces that drive people to satisfy their needs?

A) Demographics
B) Psychographics
C) Motivation
D) Appeal
E) Self-actualization

On Aug 01, 2024



Simonet and Tett (2012) found that management is distinct from leadership by its focus on ______.

A) extrinsic motivation
B) intrinsic motivation
C) strategic planning
D) creative thinking

On Jul 04, 2024



According to John Powell, _____ is the level of communication that most people rely upon during part of every day.

On Jul 02, 2024

cliche conversation


Which of the intermediate products should be processed further?

A) beet fiber should be processed into industrial fiber; beet juice should be processed into refined sugar
B) beet fiber should NOT be processed into industrial fiber; beet juice should NOT be processed into refined sugar
C) beet fiber should NOT be processed into industrial fiber; beet juice should be processed into refined sugar
D) beet fiber should be processed into industrial fiber; beet juice should NOT be processed into refined sugar

On Jun 03, 2024



Economists argue that rent control is a highly efficient way to help the poor raise their standard of living.

On Jun 02, 2024



When working with businesspeople from the United States,what should be remembered about individualism,equality,and personal space at work?

On May 04, 2024

In contrast to cultures that value group harmony and group success,U.S.culture generally expects individuals to succeed by their own efforts,and it rewards individual success.Even though teamwork is emphasized in many companies,competition between individuals is expected and even encouraged in many cases.
In terms of equality,the country's historical record on equality has not always been positive,and while some inequalities still exist,equality is considered a core American value.This principle applies to race,gender,social background,and even age.To a greater degree than people in many other cultures,Americans believe that every person should be given the opportunity to pursue whatever dreams and goals he or she has in life.When addressing privacy and personal space on the job,this appears to be changing somewhat with the popularity of social networking and other personal media,but people in the United States are still accustomed to a fair amount of privacy.That also applies to their "personal space" at work.For example,they expect you to knock before entering a closed office and to avoid asking questions about personal beliefs or activities until they get to know you well.


Corporate social responsibility is an organization's obligation to behave ethically in its social environment.

On May 03, 2024
